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14 Gladiola St., Buhangin, Davao City 8000
Philippines, Tel. (82) 305-57-15

Our Schedule of Services

Sunday School 9:00 A.M.
Sunday Worship 10:00 A.M.
Baptist Training Course (Sunday) 2:00 P.M.
Wednesday Prayer Meeting 7:00 P.M.


Our church is a Separatist Independent Historic Pre-millennial Landmark Missionary Baptist Church

We are Separatist because we believe and teach that the true church must stand against false teachings and must not conform to the sinful ways of the world.

We are Independent because we believe in the sovereignty of the local church under the headship of the Lord Jesus and that mission boards, associations, conventions or fellowships have no authority over the Lord's churches.

We are Landmarkers because we believe that the church is a local visible congregation of Scripturally baptized believers and has an unbroken history that can be traced back to the church founded by Jesus Christ.

We are Missionary because we have a mission to reach the world with the Gospel message, to baptize believers, and assemble them into a local New Testament church. Furthermore, we believe that the Great Commission was given by the Lord Jesus to His church or churches.

We are Baptists because we believe that the ordinance of baptism is immersion in water and should be administered only to the believers by an authorized baptizer. John the Baptist was called "The Baptist" because he was an authorized baptizer. Therefore a church that has a Scriptural authority to baptize is a Baptist church.

Meet the Pastor

Pastor Romeo Jardinel

the Pastor
of Faith
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Why I use and preach from KJV Bible By Edwin Jardinel

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