B 0 0 K   C O N T E N T S



   IN THE BEGINNING, A PRAIRIE…………………………..…….…   1

   RED WORLD………….………………………...……………..….... 16

   WHITE WORLD……………………………………..………....…… 46

   BEGINNING OF THE END…………….……………………...…… 76

   TECUMSEH’S PAN INDIAN UNION……………………….……...105

   ERA OF THE WAR TWINS……………………………….…...…...140

   A DOZEN YEARS OF FRICTION………………………….………168





   CAPTIVITY AND FINAL YEARS…………………..………...….… 336 EPILOGUE………………………………………………………....… 352


BIBLIOGRAPHY…………………………….………………………. 378

DIGITAL IMAGE CREDITS………………...……………………..... 381

INDEX……………………………………………………………….. 383


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Glacial Drift Patterns in Illinois

Map of New World in 1650

Father Marquette

Rene Robert Cavalier (LaSalle)

LaSalle on the Mississippi River

Fort Frontenac (Kingston)

Calumet of Peace (pipe)

Comte de Frontenac

Chief Pontiac

Murder of Pontiac

Territorial Growth of U.S.—1790


Christopher Columbus

Jean Nicollet Meets the Sea People

Radisson and Des Groseilliers

Locations of Tribes in the NW Territory

Proclamation of 1763

Saukie Warrior, His Wife, and a Boy

Lacrosse Match

Antoine Le Claire

Page from the 1833 Autobiography

Hodensode or Long House

Dance to the Berdache—Saukie

Saukenuk and Rock Island area


First Quebec Settlement—1608

Samuel de Champlain

Replica of a Blunderbus

French Coureurs de Bois (Voyageurs)

A Indian Fishing Wier

Father Claude-Jean Allouez

Indians and Traders

Fort Michilimackinac

Period Map of Northwest Territory

Fort Detroit (Fort Pontchartrain under the French)

Territorial Growth of the U.S.—1775

George Washington

Patrick Henry

NW Territory after the Revolution

Brigadier-General Josiah Harmar


William Henry Harrison (1804)

1st Division of Northwest Territory—1800

2nd Division of NW Territory—1804


Replica of a Keelboat

Route of NW Passage Expedition

Auguste Chouteau

Thomas Jefferson

Pierre Chouteau

General James Wilkinson

3rd Division of NW Territory—1805

Zebulon Montgomery Pike


North West Company logo

Fort St. Anthony

Nickolas Boilvin



Arthur St. Clair

Major-General ‘Mad’ Anthony Wayne

Little Turtle

Tenskwatawa (Shawnee Prophet)

John Adams

William Henry Harrison (1812)


Battle of Tippecanoe

General Isaac Brock

Siege of Fort Meigs

War of 1812 poster

Map of Battle of the Thames

Battle of the Thames


Henry Dearborn

4th Division of NW Territory—1809

Map of Fort Malden/Amherstburg area

Henry Clay

Corps Seal of Robert Dickson

James Madison

Attack on Fort Stephenson

Oliver Hazard Perry

Prairie du Chien

The Northern Frontier 1783--1812


Bounty Lands for Veterans of 1812

James Monroe

John C. Calhoun

Missouri Governor William Clark

Henry Rowe Schoolcraft

John Quincy Adams

Territorial Growth of the U.S.—1820


Illinois Governor Ninian Edwards

General Henry ‘White Beaver’ Atkinson

Joseph M. Street

Lewis Cass

George Davenport

Territorial Growth of the U.S.—1830

Andrew Jackson

Illinois Governor John Reynolds

General Edmund P. Gaines

Major John Bliss

Brigadier-General Joseph Duncan

Sturgeon Head, Sac Chief

Fort Armstrong, Rock Island

Jefferson Barracks, St Louis


Major-General Alexander Macomb

Black Hawk (by Catlin)


Winnesheik (Winnebago Prophet)

Fort Crawford, Prairie du Chien

Munster Roll of Capt. Lincoln

Captain Abraham Lincoln

John Dixon

Major David Bailey

Major Isaiah Stillman

Captain Elijah Iles

Shabbona, Potawatomi Chief

Fort Locations During 1832

Military Command Structure in 1832


General Samuel Whiteside

Rachael Munson (nee Hall)

Sylvia Horn (nee Hall)

Indian Creek Monument

Dixon’s Ferry

Colonel Henry Dodge

Chicago—1837(by Catlin)

Colonel Nathan Boone

Colonel Zachary Taylor


Overview map of Black Hawk’s Route

Captain Augustin Grignon

View of the Mississippi at the Bad Axe

Massacre at Bad Axe

Lieutenant Robert Anderson

General Winfield Scott

Headquarters of Scott at Rock Island

Black Hawk’s Surrender

Jefferson Davis

Map of Sac & Fox Land Cessions

Pa-she-pa-ho, Head chief of the Sac

Black Hawk in Chains

Keokuk on Horseback

Territorial Growth of U.S. after 1832


Black Hawk and Son (by Jarvis)

Black Hawk in native attire

Chief Wapello

Black Hawk in uniform (by King)

Funeral of Black Hawk—Saukie

Six faces of Black Hawk


Bill Leaf and Wife

Papoose Board

Jesse Ka-ka-que, Great-grandson

Logan Ka-ka-que, grandson

Top of Black Hawk’s Watchtower

Jesse Ka-ka-que & Family in 1916

Black Hawk’s Retreat through Wisc.


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Our Indian Wards; Mannypenny, George W. , (Cincinnati, 1880)


Zebulon M. Pike: Exploratory Travels through the Western Territories...Performed 

          in the Years 1805, 1806, 1807...Denver(1889)


Zebulon M. Pike: The expeditions of Zebulon Montgomery Pike to the Headwaters

          of the Mississippi River, Through Louisiana Territory, and in New Spain,

          During the Years 1805-6-7. ed. by Elliot Coues, 3 vols. New York(1895)


Reynolds, John: My Own Times: Embracing Also the History of My Life,



Stevens, Frank E.: The Black Hawk War Including a Review of Black Hawk’s Life,

          Chicago(1903) biased against the Indians


Illinois in the War of 1812-1814: Transactions of the Illinois State Historical Society 

          for 1904


Stillman’s Defeat: Transactions of the Illinois State Historical Society for 1902


Prairie du Chien: French, British, American; Menasha, Wisconsin(1937)


Prairie du Chien Documents 1814-1815; Wisconsin Historical Collections, Vol. IX 



Nicholas Boilvin, Indian Agent; Scanlan, Peter Lawerence, Wisconsin Magazine of

          History, Vol.XXVII (December, 1943)


Papers from the Canadian Archives 1767-1814; Wisconsin Historical Collections,

          Vol.XII (1892)


Scanlan, Charles M.:  Indian Creek Massacre and Captivity of Hall Girls,



Mahan, Bruce E.:  Old Fort Crawford and the Frontier, Iowa City(1926)


Edwards, Ninian W.:  History of Illinois from 1778 to 1833 and Life and Times of

          Ninian Edwards, Springfield(1870)


1755 Gentlemen’s Magazine; a 1755 map of the British and French settlements in

          North America, published in London, England


1919 Report of the Commission to Locate the Site of the Frontire Forts of

          PennsylvaniaVol. I and II, Second edition, Thomas Lynch Montgomery, ed.,

          Harrisburg, PA., Wm. Stanley Ray, State Printer


1931 The Writings of George Washington from the Original Manuscript Sources:

          1745-1799Prepared under the direction of the United States George

          Washington Bicentennial Commission


Handbook of American Indians North of Mexico: edited by Frederick Webb Hodge

          (Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology Bultn. 30. GPO: 1910.)


Black Hawk: A Reassessment ,  from The Annals of Iowa, 45 (1981), pg 599-619;

          John E. Hallwas


The Indian Autobiography: Origins, Type and Function; American Literature, 53

          (1981), pg 22-42; Arnold Krupat


Letter book of Thomas Forsyth; Wisc. Hist. Coll., XI (1888)


Louise Phelps Kellogg; The British Regime in Wisconsin and the Northwest, pg 292


1829 Wisconsin Historical Collections, (Map of the United States Lead Mines on the

          Upper Mississippi River, Drawn and Published by R.W. Chandler of Galena)

          Wisc. Hist. Coll., XI, 1888, pg 400


Black Hawk, An Autobiogrphy;  ed. Donald Jackson (Urbana: University of Illionis

          Press, 1964)  Exclusive passages recounting events attributed to Black

            Hawk are derived from this source.


That Disgraceful Affair, The Black Hawk War; by Cecil Eby


The Sauks and the Black Hawk War; by G.H. Armstrong


The Sac and Fox Indians; by William T. Hagan (Norman University of Oklahoma

          Press, 1980)


Documents Relating to the Invasion of Canada and the Surrender of Detroit, 1812;

          ed. E.A. Cruikshank (Ottawa, 1912)


Northwest Ordinance:  Supplement to the First Volume of the Columbian Magazine;

          Philadelphia, 1787


Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and History of Rock Island County, Vol. II;

          Munsell Publishing Company (1914) Chicago


Past and Present of Rock Island County, Illinois; H.F. Kent & Co. (1877) Chicago


American Indians, Volume I; Englewood Cliffs, Salem Press, Inc. (1995


Cunningham, Maggie:  Black Hawk (Story of an American Indian)


Hanson, Allen S.:  Indians of Wisconsin and the Surrounding Area


Handbook of American Indians: North of Mexico; N. Y., Greenwood Press (1969)


Parsens, Elsie Clews: American Indian Life; Univ. of Nebraska, Lincoln Press (1922)


Schermer, Shirley J., William Green and James M. Collins:  A Brief Culture History

          of Iowa; University of Iowa (1995) Iowa City


The Penguin Book of Historic Speeches; Brian MacArther, ed, Penguin Books (1996)


Jesuit Relations: Shea, Catholic Church in Colonial Days; American biographies,

          Parkman, LaSalle, De Backer, Bibliotheque de la c. de J. The Catholic

          Encyclopedia, Volume I, (1907)


Brown, Craig:  The Illustrated History of Canada; Toronto, Lester Publishing (1996)


Bumsted, J. M.:  A History of the Canadian Peoples; Toronto, Oxford University

          Press (1998)


Callaw, Colin G.:  New Worlds for All:  Indians, Europeans and the Remaking of

          Early America; Baltimore, John Hopkins University Press (1997)


Cook, Noble David:  Born to Die:  Disease and New World Conquest 1492-

         1650; New York, Cambridge University Press (1998)


Illinois Historical Library

          Black Hawk War Papers. This source includes Atkinson’s Letter Book and

          Order Book, Albert Sidney Johnston’s Journal, and many other valuable items.


Missouri Historical Society

          Thomas Forsyth Papers

          Pierre Chouteau-Maffitt Collection—contains some correspondence of the

               traders at Rock Island.


National Archives

          Adjutant General Office files, 1830-33

          Black Hawk War Miscellaneous Papers

          Letter Books of the Commander of the Western Department 1831-33

          Quartermaster Historical file, 1831-32

          Secretary of War letters received, sent, and on Indian affairs 1803-33


 State Historical Society of Wisconsin

          Nicholas Boilvin Letters, 1811-23.  Edited by Marian Scanlan and contains

               transcripts and translations of letters in the National Archives.

          Cass Letters Received, 1819-31, Photostats of records in the National Archives.

          Draper MSS.  The Thomas Forsyth Papers were a main source used in this book.

          Indian Office Letter Books, 1824-33

          Joseph M. Street Papers

          Prairie du Chien MSS



          The Galenian (Galena, Illinois) 1832

          The Michigan Herald (Detroit, Michigan) 1825-28

          The Missouri Republican (St. Louis, Missouri) 1831-32

          The Globe (Washington, D.C.) 1831-32

          The Sangamo Journal (Springfield, Illinois) 1831-32

          The St. Louis Beacon (St. Louis, Missouri) 1831-32


Boilvin, Nicholas: Prairie du Chien in 1811; Wisconsin Historical Collections,

          Volume XI, (1888), 247-53


Cleaves, Freeman: Old Tippecanoe: William Henry Harrison and His Times; New

          York (1939)


Catlin, George: North American Indians; two volumes, Philadelphia (1857)


Cole, Cyrenus: I am a Man: The Indian Black Hawk; Iowa City (1938)


Cruikshank, Earnest: The Employment of Indians in the War of 1812 in the American

          Association Annual Report for 1895, pg 321-35


Brymner, Douglas: Capture of Fort McKay, Prairie du Chien, in 1814; Wisconsin

          Historical Collections, Volume XI, (1888) pg. 257-70


Armstrong, Perry A.: The Sauks and the Black Hawk War with Biographical

          Sketches, Etc.; Springfield, Illinois (1887)


Harrington, M.R.: Sacred Bundles of the Sac and Fox Indians; University of

          Pennsylvania Anthropological Publications, Volume IV, No.2 (1914)


 Snyder, J.F.: The Burial of Black Hawk; Magazine of American History, Volume XV

          (May, 1886) pg. 494-99


See other sources on Champlain in particular those by Bourne and Grant


Crosby, Alfred W.:  Ecological Imperialism: The Biological Expansion of

         Europe, 900-1900; New York, Cambridge University Press (1998)


Eccles, W. J.:  The French in North America 1500-1783; Revised edition,

         East Lansing, Michigan State University Press (1998)


Innis, Harold A.:  The Fur Trade in Canada, An Introduction to Canadian

          Economic History; Revised edition, Toronto, University of Toronto

          Press (1970)


See Department of History, University of Calgary web link





BHWP = Black Hawk War Papers (Illinois Historical Library)


1)       Gen. Atkinson to Scott, July 9, 1832, National Archives

2)       Order 51, July 9, 1832—Atkinson’s Order Book, BHWP

3)       Dodge to Atkinson, July 18, 1832, BHWP

4)       Henry to Atkinson, July 19, 1832, BHWP

5)       Dodge to Atkinson, July 22, 1832, National Archives

6)       Prisoner Testimony, taken August 20, 1832, National Archives

7)       A letter from Capt. John Throckmorton to his brother, August 3, 1832 in the New York Mercury, August 29, 1832.

8)       Atkinson to Scott, August 5, 1832, National Archives

9)       Alexander to Atkinson, August 4, 1832, BHWP

10)   Taylor to Atkinson, August 5, 1832, BHWP

11)    Lt. James W. Kingsburg to Major Hook, August 8, 1832, Quartermaster Historical File, National Archives

12)   Lt. Reuben Holms to Atkinson, August 5, 1832, BHWP

13)   Atkinson to Scott, August 5, 1832, National Archives

14)    Scott to Cass, August 16, 1832, Secretary of War-letters Rec’d, National Archives

15)   Street to Scott, August 22, 1832, National Archives




Page 2 caption: MAP OF NEW  WORLD IN 1650

New Map Of English America: Containing Virginia, Maryland, Carolina, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, New France and newly discovered territories, drawn up according to the most recent accounts.  Author:  Sanson, Nicolas, 1600-1667, Call Number:G33001700.S2, Location: Rare Book and Special Collections Library (346 Library, Publisher: Chez P. Mortier, Scale:[ca: 1:6,000,000].


Caption: TERRITORIAL GROWTH OF UNITED STATES—1775, 1790, 1820, 1830  From the National atlas of the United States of America (Arch C. Gerlach, editor), Washington, D.C.:  U.S. Department of the Interior, Geological Survey, 1970


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Last updated on NOVEMBER 01, 2002 by J.D. Tipfer