
Welcome to my homepage!

I'm Lenore Snodey.

I have 7 adult California desert tortoises as well as 10 healthy hatchlings! I like to garden.

History - Born and grew up in Northern Indiana. Lived and worked four years in Birmingham, Alabama, and six years in Washington, D. C. before coming to California, where I raised four children, completed work on a B. A., and became an R. N. I worked 23 years as a nurse, retiring from hospital work in 1995. I now work occasionally as camp nurse in youth and family camps, and do volunteer work in the health field. Since retirement, travel has been an interest vigorously cultivated.

Travel - I have enjoyed traveling and meeting people in Mexico, Baja California, French Polynesia, Hawaii, Spain, the Caribbean Islands, Argentina, the Mediterranean area, Thailand, Africa, New Zealand, Australia, Guatemala, Eastern Europe, China and Tibet, Chile, Peru, the Bahamas, Guatemala, El Salvador, Belize, England and many U.S. areas.  Next year, I expect to take a European River Cruise.

Interests - Traveling, languages, reading, environmental concerns, human rights issues, children, Unitarian church, music, theater, gardening, and cooking. I have a large collection of books, a number of them unusual and some of them rare first editions.

My favorite religious organizations are:

  • South Bay Unitarian Fellowship
  • Pacific Unitarian Church
    I'm turned on to Buddhism and Taoism and am exploring those faiths.
  • If any of the above excites you and you'd like additional specifics, I'd like to hear from you.

    E-mail me at or and/or

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    This page was last updated on January 4, 2009.

    All material on this site is Copyright © 1998-2009.