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The Great Worldwide Linkup


The only genuine contact service for all people who have ever been followers of Maharaji.

If you know who Maharaji is, then this site is for you. Use it to get in contact with those old friends of yesteryear because the chances are, they will get to read this site too. There's been some heartwarming stories of how people have met each other after many years since putting up a message on this site.

This message contact service will not draw any distinction between anyone's beliefs or opinions about Maharaji.

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    Email the webmaster
My name is David and I am the webmaster of The Great Worldwide Linkup. Click on the email link to email me or copy and paste my address which is

A link would be nice!

Whether you call yourself a premie or an ex-premie or merely human, you are welcome to put a link to this site from your web page. If you do, please email me and I'll put a reciprocal link back to your webpage if you want.



Please note: The contact messages are for people to get in contact with each other. Posts that are not genuine contact messages will be deleted.