Luke is my best friend. We had this big fallout thing though, but now we are good friends again. (In my opinion anyway!) I know that a lot of the reason for the fallout was 'cause it was my fault...I didn't pay attention to him 'cause I was too wrapped up in this girl that I was seeing at the time, and I know that I will never get too caught up with someone that I TOTALLY ignore my friends...there's a BIG difference between "involved" and "obsessed"...anyway, Luke lives down in Zanesville and goes to Philo also. We are in band together, thus how we probably met. He plays the saxophone. He's a big music fan also, although, our tastes of music are quite different. He's a GIGANTIC Holsinger fan, so don't diss the man! lol Luke and I've been around each other a lot again...I'm not too sure if that's good or bad yet...j/k Luke just has to learn to stay out of trouble...although, he's done more than me and I'm the one that gets grounded. We'll have to start sharing wallets again sometime Luke! *inside joke...kinda*
Ahhh yes, my lovely lady. ;-) I met Steph about a month ago, and I am glad I did. Things have been a bit...confusing, since we've been together, but I'm still as happy as happy can be. We have a bond between us, even though we've known each other for a short while, that I don't think anything could break, whether it be a scar in our relationship, or whatever, I truly believe we'd still be able to be friends, and I've felt that with other people, and I was wrong, and maybe I'm wrong now, but I'm havin' the time of my life with her, and there's no way that I would let anything stop that! :-) I adore you Steph, and I'm in love with, *gets down on knee* will you marry me? :-) lol j/k Had to lighten the situation. Anyway...I'm really happy with her, and I don't want that to stop.
I've known Jackie for some time now, 3 years...but we haven't really been friends 'til recently. Jackie is another one of those people that I like to listen to when she needs to talk, I can relate to a lot of her "problems". Anyway...Jackie is the girl on the left of the picture, the one with the REALLY big smile...she is Sara's (girl on right of pic) best friend, or one of 'em anyway...they both have so many friends that it's hard to keep track. I've gotta help her find someone to spend some time with, and treat her the way she deserves...ya know what I mean?
Katie is always giving me compliments on everything just because she is like that, she has always helped me when I needed advice on breakin' up with someone, especially recently, you Katie...a GREAT thanks! :-) As you can probably tell, she is the girl on the right side, with the guy I don't like, which I have my reasons for not liking. :-) She is another one of the crazy kinda people that like to have fun and be herself.
The other person that I have recently met through Luke. I have to thank Jeff, and give many gratitudes 'cause he helped me to understand a little bit better what was going on inside of Steph's mind, or what to think at certain points, and who better to do it? He's her best friend! Anyway...thank you Jeff, you've helped a lot...and like he said on his website, we're both into nature, so I think that we should get along just fine...*note to everyone, I am havin' some great difficulty typing this...don't know why, but I keep fuckin' up my spelling...*ARG*...* And don't worry Jeff, I would not intentionally do anything to hurt Steph in anyway, well, unless it involves bondage pain...but...ya know how that is... :-)