The Dragon is master of all. Close your eyes and dream...
...the majesty of the Dragon in flight,
flaming across the midnight sky,
kissed by the light of the full moon,
wrapped in the loving cloak of the night,
emblazoned with a universe of stars.
My website is best viewed in 800x600 screen resolution. Some of the graphics and backgrounds on these pages came from:
- Pagan Graphics by Rowan
- Dee Dreslough's Art Gallery
- Bordersn More by Silverhair
- Fantasyland Graphics
- Whitch Way Graphics
- The Goddess Art of Jonathon Earl Bowser
- ...and some are my own.
If you see any graphics that I have not given credit for please e-mail me, and I will correct my error.
The border and button on this page are from:
The flying dragon and the name plate
are (c) 1997-1998 Dee Dreslough
click here for her site:
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, because you are crunchy and and taste good with ketchup."
Dilbert's Words of Wisdom