This site is under construction and in no way covers all the indigenous peoples of Latin America. What I have attempted to do here is give a brief summary of their beliefs and provide the reader with links I hope they will find of some interest. There are several indigenous groups located in Latin America-ancient and modern. Included are some of the best sites to find further information.
The Olmecs (800 B.C.-A.D. 600) or the people who live in the direction of the sun had temple-cities and erected stones to mark the passing of time. They created stepped pyramids, courtyards, and the tlachtli (*1) ball game.(*2)
The Mixtecs (668(?)-1521), the Toltecs, the Huastecs (500 B.C.-1521 A.D.), and the Totomacs (500 B.C.-1519 A.D.) - all the cultures listed here were established on Mexican soil as long as twenty-five hundred years before the Aztecs made their appearance as a tribe.(*3)
To the Aztecs, war and religion were inseparable. Ceaseless wars were fought to provide a steady stream of prisoner victims for sacrifice. The object of the religion was to attract favorable forces and repel or calm those forces that were unfavorable. Nature moved in a series of rhythmic patterns son all Aztec powers of observation wer put to work to discover these rhythms and harness them for the good of all mankind. Aztec History: This site provides an outline of what is offered. It is another excellent source and provides many other links. Be sure to check out the poems.
Carla's Mayan Web Pages: This site is a good starting point. Carla provides extensive links to sites about the Mayans from modern products to Mayan folktales.
The Ancient Maya are a mysterious people. What was of greatest concern to the Maya was the sun and their belief in the apocalyptic future for human. The Maya believe that the world as we know it will end in the year 2012 A.D. Their civilization was simple when compared to the modern world, but they were highly advanced in other areas. Some researchers have shown that they developed their psychic abilities in ways we have not even suspected possible. It is believed they achieved this by enhancing or re-directing their bodies own energy fields. They made active use of dreaming as a way of foretelling the future and of understanding the present. With no modern equipment such as a telescope, they followed the planets and stars with an eery accuracy. They have created a calendar that can be used to tell of the past, the present, and the future. (*4)
This site discusses some recent discoveries in the Maya World.
Aluna Joy Yaxk'in 9 and Aluna Joy Yaxk'in 7 writes a series of articles to help us understand the Mayan Calendar. I found these two in the series. Read the introduction to her article. •The Mayan Calendar By Aluna Joy Yaxk'in. A kind of bizarre article discussing `breakthroughs in time/space dimensional barriers' among other things.
The Mayan Calendar discusses two methods the Maya used to keep time: the Venus Round system and the Long Count.
The Maya of the Yucatan Region: Another excellent and informative site.
Photos of Mayan Artifacts
This is a good site to view photos of several Mayan artifacts (when you can get in). I had a lot of trouble trying to get in. The Lacandon Maya are indigenous peoples of La Selva Lacandona in Chiapas, Mexico.
"The True People" as translated into english are believed to be direct descendants of the early Mayan civilizations.
Their culture is inseparable from the surrounding rainforest. Their traditions are passed through generations orally. The yatoch k'un or god house is the ritual meeting place.
Here ordinary reality is turned into supernatural reality. Everyday items become sacred offerings.
The Incas: This site provides background information on the history of the Incas-its empire,
origin, expansion, collapse, polical and economic culture, its road system, agriculture and recordkeepers. State religion centered on the worship of the Sun.
It was believed that the Emperors descended from the Sun-god and were divine beings.
This religion was very much a part of the politcal structure.
The Lacandon
The Inca
More Peoples of Latin America
Native Web: This is also another excellent site providing information on the less well-known peoples (at least to North Americans) of Latin America.
As I continue with my research I hope to include these peoples beliefs above with sites for each.
Andean History: This link provides a very brief history of the Andes region.
Cultures of the Andes: This is a great site for present day cultural music. It also lets you know if a link is responding or not. Good source for Incan information and photos.
Ancient Civilizations of the Andes: This site has great pictures.
Similarities between Mayan and Incan Structures
This is only a suggestion: when doing your research on-line, don't be afraid to explore. If the site is in Spanish or any other language, it is worth to check it out-an english version may be offered or great pictures or graphics can be seen.