Welcome to my web page.

My name is Laura. I live in Newburgh, NY and am proud to say that. At the initial creation of this page, I was a college student, working part-time and raising three children as a single parent. My story is long, but this site is not about my life. It is my intention to have either links to web pages I've created or have them on this site. One will be entitled "Women In Philosophy." This was a joint effort as an independent study for a philosophy minor requirement. Another is a creation for a philosophy class entitled "Philosophy of Latin America." Both are far from complete and are under construction. Any criticisms or suggestions or encouragement are welcome. Thank you.

My interests are:
Varied - Spiritual, recovery-based and philosophical. It is hard to explain an accounting degree with a philosophy minor, but as my professor reminded me at a conference, I chose philosophy to save my soul.

The description of my page is:

Email me at lkelly3770@worldnet.att.com in the meantime.
Please come back soon and visit me.

Links to other sites on the Web

African Philosophy

Women In Philosophy

Latin American Philosophy

Creativity: These are personal creations and thoughts.

Thoughts On Soul

Mustard Seed International Fellowship

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