The Sephiroth are the numbers 1-10, placed in fixed positions, on the Tree of Life. Each number is given a place regarding the order of it's creation and properties are associated with the number, regarding it's conception order and it's placement on the pillars of the Tree. There are three pillars: The right hand pillar is the pillar of mercy; The left hand pillar is the pillar of justice; and the center pillar is the pillar of mildness or unity. For this study I am attributing the placements of the Sephiroth to the 6 personas of Divinity (The triune nature of God and the triune nature of the Mother of God), the three part nature of humanity, and the physical world (creation). 00 is referred to as negative existence and the hidden essence of God. While absolute nothingness is an impossibility, there exists the moment before conception, when there is only God. 0 is considered to have three veils: AIN, Ain represents the absolute negative existence; AIN SVP, Ain Soph represents the limitlessness of the absolute negative existence; AIN SVP AVR, Ain Soph Aur comprises the limitless light of the absolute negative existence of God before the conception of the first thought. To describe negative existence would be as impossible as it is for any physical being to look at the face of God without dying. 0 is all encompassing but it is not illustrated on the Tree of Life. As the numerals proceed into larger values, they become less of God, This can be compared to fractions. The larger the denominator, the smaller the portion of the whole number. 1/2 is larger than 1/4. 11 is named KThR, Kether, The Crown, and Eheieh, I Am. This number represents the Unchangeable Father of us all. Mathematically the number one cannot be multiplied or divided by itself, 1 x 1 = 1 and 1/1 =1. 1 represents the point of origin and focus. It cannot be measured, located, or defined without the existence of another point. It just is, and exists although it cannot be defined. This gives more understanding to the name "I Am", given to Moses by the voice from the burning bush. 1 is placed at the top of the Tree. No color is attributed to Kether. It is described as the hidden light (white light contains and absorbs all light colors, but shows no color itself). the angelic host I will attribute to Kether are the Archangels. It is taught that there are seven. Christianity only gives the names of four: Michael, Raphael, Uriel, and Gabriel. the Koran mentions seven names: Israfil, "the burning one", can be compared to Uriel; Mika'il, Michael, the warrior prince; Djibril, Gabriel, the great messenger of God; Azrael, Raphael, is the great healer and the Angel of Death; Harut and Marut are said to have yeilded to sexual temptation; Malik is said to be the warden of Hades. It would appear that only four remain before the throne of God. We believe in one God the Father, the Almighty, maker of Heaven and Earth, of all that is seen and unseen22 is named ChKMH, Chokmah, which is Wisdom. Wisdom comes into being as the reflection of the One being added to the original One, thus creating two. 1+1=2 For this study I am attributing Chokmah to the Christian dogma of the Immaculate Conception. The second is conceived wholly from the first and is placed on the pillar of mercy on the Tree of Life. She is 2 from the 1, reflecting upon Himself. She is concieved from the original thought. She contains 1/2 of God within Her identity.Wisdom represents the contemplative, sympathethetic aspect of God. She is the primordial point of creation from which all knowable reality originates. She is the result of the original thought. The existence of two points allows the formation of a line. The line cannot be measured, located or defined without a third point. The two points cannot enclose a space. The color sky blue and the element of air are associated with Chokma. The Angelic host attributed to Chokma are: AVPNIM, Auphanim, the Wheels. these are mentioned in Ezekiel 1:16-19: The wheels had the sparkling appearance of chrysolite, and all four of them looked the same: they were constructed as though one wheel were within another. They could move in any of the four directions they faced, without veering as the moved. The four of them had rims, and I saw that their rims were full of eyes all around. When the living creatures moved, the wheels moved with them; and when the living creatures were raised from the ground the, wheels were also raised.I feel Chokma is manifest in the merciful Marian apparitions, such as Our Lady of Lourdes and Our Lady of Guadalupe. 33 is named BINH, Binah, Understanding. She is co-equal to Chokma because Chokma was powerless without the existence of the third point. She comes into being through the union of one and two. She is the point defined by two others. Binah represents the analytic, distinguishing aspects of God's thought. For the purpose of the study, I have represented Binah as the Queen of Heaven, described in Revelation, chapter 12, of the Christian Bible. The color associated with Binah is yellow in the element of water. The Angelic host attributed to Binah are, ARALIM,Aralim, the Thrones. The order of Thrones is supposedly referred to in St. Paul's letter to the Colossians chapter 1 verse 16. It is my impression the he is referring to government leaders in this passage. Thrones are said to be equal to and associated with the Wheels. The wheels acompany, while the Thrones convey or warn of the impending justice of God. The conception of Binah, from Kether and Chokma, creates the first triad af the Tree. The first triad is the bearer and giver, of the divine intellect. Binah is credited to having given birth to the lower seven Sephiroth. I feel Binah is represented through the Marian apparitions that give instruction, as to, how humanity can avoid apocalyptic wrath. Our Lady of Fatima and Our Lady of La Salette are two examples. Binah is placed on the pillar of judgment on the Tree of Life. ![]() 44 is named ChSD, Chesed is defined as mercy and love. Chesed is concieved from the union of 3 (Binah) and 1 (Kether). The existence of a fourth point allows a location to be given to the first three points, enclosing a space. The fourth point is associated with the birth of matter. I am attributing Chesed with Jesus: the only Son of God, eternally begotten of the Father, God from God, Light from light, True God from True God, begotten not made, one in being with the Father. Through Him all things were made. For us and for our salvation, He came down from Heaven: by the power of the Holy Spirit, He was born of the Virgin Mary, and became man. For our sake He was crucified under Pontius Pilate; He suffered, died and was buried. On the third day He rose again in fulfillment of the Scriptures; He ascended in to Heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and His kingdom will have no end.He is the point defined by three others. Chesed is associated with pure white in the element of fire. The angelic host attributed to Chesed is ChShMLIM, Chashmahimn, Scintillating Flames. It is my impression that these are the seven sprits before His throne, mentioned in Revelation chapter 1 verse 4. They are the executors of God's wrath. They are the flame in: Isaiah 29:6: you shall be visited by the Lord of hosts, with thunder, earthquake, and great noise, whirlwind, storm, and the flame of consuming fire.Chesed is located on the pillar of mercy. 55 is named GBVRH, Geburah, which is defined as strength or fortitude. The 5th emanation is aso called DIN, which is defined as justice. For this study, I have reprisented Geburah as the Holy Spirit of God. We believe in the Holy Spirit, The Lord, The giver of life, Who proceeds from the Father and the Son. With the Father and Son He is worshipped and glorified. He has spoken through the prophetsGeburah is conceived directly from Kether and Chesed and completes the Holy Trinity or Godhead Geburah represents the fearsome powers of divine punishment and God's wrath in the world. He is the instructor given by the Father to purify the World. The color associated with Geburah is red in the element of fire the angelic host attributed to Geburah are ShRPIM, the Seraphim. a Seraph is mentioned in Isaiah in chapter 6 verse 6: Then one of the seraphim flew to me, holding an ember which he had taken with tongs from the altar. He touched my mouth with it. "See," he said, "now that this has touched your lips, your wickedness is removed, your sin purged."Geburah is associated with Holy Fear. Geburah is located on the pillar of judgment. ![]() 6Tiphereth is divine morality, and the ideal balance of justice and mercy. She is needed for the proper harmony of the universe. She emanates directly from the first triad and completes the second triad, along with Geburah and Chesed. The second triad represents divine morality. Tipereth also completes the Maternal Trinity, The Holy Star of David, and the union of the 12, who make up the treasury of light. Her existence completes the formation of the Heavenly court. She is the incarnation of the "Woman Clothed with the Sun" and crowned with 12 stars. For this study I have represented Tipareth as The Blessed Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus. Colors attributed to Her are: purple, green, white, and red. Purple is the color of the passion of our Lord's suffering. Green is the color of new life and shines from Her mother's, Binah and Chokma. White is purity. Red is the sacred blood of Jesus and the blood she shed giving birth to our Lord. She is like a beautiful garden of roses, shining in the element of fire. Her angelic host are the ShNANIM,Shinanim, or MLKIM, Melakim kings, Chariots. These are mentioned in Psalm 68 verse 18: The Chariots of God are myriad, thousands on thousands; the Lord advances from Sinai to the Sanctuary.Tipereth is located on the pillar of mildness and uniting. By the joining of Justice and Mercy, beauty and clemency are achieved. She fulfills the prophecy; "She will crush the serpent's head with Her heel". The serpent's head was badly bruised when she gave her consent to be the mother of our Lord. Upon consenting to God's will, she was conceived and then conceived God Incarnate. The pentagram at the top of the Tree was broken. Perfect balance came to humanity when the Star of David was completed. This ended the age of the Nephirim and confused all human magic, rendering sorcerers and forecasters weak and fairly powerless. Her consent made the salvation, given to us by Jesus, possible. Through Her loving maternal intercession, all of humanity can be healed. Hail Holy Queen, Mother of mercy; hail our sweetness, and our hope. To you do we cry, poor banished children of Eve. To you do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this valley of tears. Turn then, most gracious Advocate, your eyes of mercy toward us, and after this exile show unto us, the blessed fruit of your womb, Jesus. O clement, O loving, O sweet, Virgin Mary.77 is named NTzCh, Netzach, firmness, endurance, and victory. This sephira represents God's active grace in the world. For this study, I have represented Netzach, with the mind of humanity and the individual mind. The color associated with Netzach is whitish red. The angelic host attributed to Netzach are the ALHIM, Elohim, and ThRShIShIM, Tharshishim, the brilliant ones. One of these is said to be described in, the book of Daniel, chapter 10, verses 5-15. It was a subordinate of, and helped by the Archangel Michael. Netzach cannot access God, without mediation. Netzach is located on the pillar of mercy. 88 is named HVD, Hod, splendor and majesty. Hod represents God's lower channel, through which God's judgment comes down to the world. Hod also represents prophesy. For this study, I will represent Hod with the soul of humanity, and the individual human soul. Hod is associated with the color reddish white. The angelic host attributed to Hod are the BNI ALHIM, Beni Elohim, sons of God. These are mentioned in: The book of Genesis, chapter 6, verses 2 and 4; the book of Job chapter 1, verse 6, chapter 2, verse 1, and chapter 38, verse 7. Hod cannot access God without mediation. Hod is located on the pillar of judgment. It is the soul that will be judged. 99 is named ISVD, Yesod, the foundation and basis. Netzach, Hod, and Yesod form the third triad, representing the material world. For this study, I have associated Yesod with the body of humanity and the individual human body. The color associated with Yesod is brown, the combination of green (life) and red (blood). The angelic host attributed to Yesod are the AShIM, Aishim, the flames. These are mentioned in Psalm 104 verse 4: You make the winds your messengers, and the flaming fire your ministers.Yesod is located on the pillar of mildness and uniting, The body unites the mind and the soul. 1010 is the negative existence of 0 combined with the positive existence of 1 The Father, Kether. 10 is named MLVTh, Malkuth, the inferior kingdom, and ShKINH, Shekinah. Shekinah is the Talmudic concept, representing God's dwelling and immanence in the created world. It is equated with the people of Isreal. I will equate Shekinah with all of humanity. I feel this is a fair assumption, given my belief in the new covenant, through Jesus, and the possibility that the lost tribes of Israel are now all of our ancestors, through gradual integration. For this study I will represent Shekinah with the body of humanity and the Earth. Shekinah is associated with the absorption of all colors or the color black. The angelic host attributed to Shekinah are the KRBVIM, Cherubim. I have two impressions, as to what are referred to as Cherubim, and the four living creatures mentioned in the book of Revelation chapter 4 and Ezekiel chapter 1. The four living creatures are often referred to as Cherubim. I feel the Cherubim are the guardian angels or escorts of humanity. I feel the four living creatures contain a collective of the souls of humanity, and are the emboliment of; Abraham's Bossom and Hades, comprising Sheol, the afterlife for immortal souls; and Paradise; and Purgatory. The afterlife for eternal souls, during the age of preperation Shekinah is located on the pillar of mildness.
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