My sister in-law's vision (6/98)Machelle was so shook up. She had had a dream the night before, but when it was finished she was in the kitchen, fully awake. I would consider this a vision. Machelle's vision:I was at work, waiting tables at the Cracker Barrel restaurant. One of my tables was four dark skinned men. After bringing their meal, I felt an overwhelming compulsion, to give them money. I walked up to the table and offered the men my money. One of the men became annoyed and told me not to bother him with something so trivial during his meal. I felt rejected and confused. the room started filling with glittering fog. an undescribable light filled the room. Out of the fog, an Angel formed, beautiful colors, auburn shining, flowing hair, completely beyond description. I was so overwhelmed with peace and joy. She moved towards me and began to pass through me. It was diffacult, the pass was slow and it altered my interior. I was so tired afterward. I went to the back of the restaraunt to tell my friends. One of the girls grabbed my apron, she wouldn't let go. I looked down and she had turned into a demon. It was the most terifying thing I ever felt or saw. I fought her loose, but no one cared about what I had seen. When it was over I was sitting in my kitchen, about 2am fully awake, fatigued, and confused.My daughters dream (2/98)My daughter was 6 years old, when she told me this dream one morning. It was shocking to hear a first grader talk of such things (maybe we underestimate our children). I have never seen Jesus in a dream myself so I wrote this down as she told it to me. Stephanie's DreamI was standing in a very beautiful park, with thousands of other children and their mothers. Mom was sitting on the grass waiting for me, Mom was pregnant. There were beautiful houses all around, with beautiful golden porches and balcony's. The houses were very tall. Jesus was there with us. He was sitting on a rock. We were waiting in line to talk to Him. Jesus said He would give us each a miracle. One girl who was about two years old, asked if her mother could have another baby. the mother didn't want to because she had 10 little toddlers and two tiny premature babies. Jesus still said yes and blessed the little girl. My turn came, I asked if I could be a mother and have children, and still be a nun. He said yes and blessed me. We went home. I was praying the rosary walking home from school, and in school. Everyone started crying, all of the people in the world were crying and they wouldn't stop. Me and Mom went to Church and Dad and Joe were wondering were we were. We were in the room behind the altar in the front of the chapel. We were in chains. There were many nuns and priests, and all holy people who love God, kept as prisoners. It was time for all of us prisoners to come out. There were thousands of prisoners. Everyone who loved God and was causing the world to cry. Jesus ordered the priests to put thorny trees out for each person to die on. Mushrooms were all over the trees and Mom and some of the prisoners were eating them. The person before us was an old woman who always prayed the rosary and was very holy, she died withourt pain, she just left. When it came to our turn people started crawling throught he windows of the church and stealing all the religious objects and everything valuable. Jesus decided the kill the theifs and bad people instead of us prisoners. We were all set free. After all the mean people were dead Jesus left. The people in the church, that had not been prisoners thought Jesus died but all of us who were praying the rosary, and the nuns and priests knew the mysteries, and we knew He wasn't dead and we knew everything, We were so happy. I woke up crying and could hardly stop. My dreamI had this dream a few nights ago (8-20-94). It is what gave me the idea to share these on cyberspace I was at home and this woman called and told me she would be arriving to conduct the "Sisterhood Seminar", I told her I knew nothing of it and she must have the wrong number. My brother-in-law called asking if I would watch his kids. I said yes and was waiting for them to arrive. I was looking out the window and greeted them as they came into the yard. I looked back and a woman had come in my house. I assumed she must be with my brother-in law and that maybe I should recognize her. I greeted her as if I did know her. She started pulling out papers, files, and displays. I asked her what she was doing. She said, she was setting up for the seminar. I told her I still knew nothing of it, but it sounded interesting. I told her I was afraid that she was in the wrong place and none of her students would be able to find her. She asked me what my line of study was and I told her it was hard to describe. When I tried to describe it,I was no longer there. I was flying. I thought about flying through space. I was then flying through space. I was so happy and amazed. I thought, this is wonderful, this is what it is like, this is where we go. Then I thought, where are my friends and people I love? I was instantly there. We ate and drank and talked. I shared with one of my friends, about how wonderful it was to be able to move through space and time. She told me they couldn't leave, she said that I had requested to be purified 6 times and had become stronger for it. She said they were not strong enough to leave. She asked me to come back often. I told her I hadn't planned on leaving. She told me I had to, and I woke up (Odd thing, I woke up humming "Looks Like We Made It", by Shania Twain, I have no idea if that is relevant. I don't usually listen to Country music or Pop) |
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