Regional Earthquakes in the Northeastern United States
Purpose of Lesson                                                                                     : 

To have the students in the northeastern United States realize:

1. the probability of the occurrence of earthquakes in their geographical area
2 .the cause of such earthquakes
3. the effects of these earthquakes on lives and property

To determine where earthquakes have occurred in the northeastern United States.
To list the consequences of an earthquake on a community.
To determine how New Jersey can become better prepared for a
possible earthquake.

1. Utilizing global map from Activity 1, examine the plate boundaries
   and discuss their relationship to the northeast coastal states.
2. Using the The Great New Madrid earthquake article, discuss the concept
    of earthquakes in intra-plate boundaries and why they  occur.
3. Access internet, real time data, on earthquakes on  the northeast United
4. Using *map (created or provided) plot the locations of the earthquakes  on the
    northeast coast...color coding magnitude.  This map may need  to be
    enlarged  and  xeroxed.
5. Interview city building inspector for preparedness in the student's
    specific community.
6. Utilize FEMA data base activity determine the level of preparedness
     in New Jersey .
7. Analyze the information from FEMA and discuss the potential damage an
     earthquake would  impart on the students living environment. 
8.  Prepare a home earthquake plan.