Lesson: Locating Global Earthquakes

Introduction: This is a two part (or two day) lesson which involves students using latitude
    and longitude to plot earthquake data on a world map.  Both lessons take approximately
    40 minutes.  The first lesson concentrates on mapping skills and reading a data table.  The
    second lesson has the students working in small groups plotting very current real time
    earthquake data.

Objectives:    1. Students will use real time earthquake data to plot earthquake locations
                            on a world map.
                       2. Students will analyze earthquake patterns on a world map to discover some
                            of the major plate boundaries.

Materials: (Day 1)

                    (Day 2)  Procedure:
Day 1
  1. Introduce and distribute EQ data sheets
  2. Review column headings:  depth, magnitude, latitude, longitude, time units, Richter scale;
  3. Distribute blank world map to class
  4. Demonstrate locating and plotting latitude and longitude coordinates to class (can be done geographically - atlas)
  5. Students work on their own plotting earthquake locations
  6.  Assign a skill sheet for homework that has students analyze earthquake data in more detail
Day 2
  1. Review homework
  2. Distribute transparencies - 1 per group;
  3. Distribute real time EQ data to each group
  4. Students should plot earthquakes using a color code according to magnitude (have class design a color key for a range of magnitudes ex. blue = 1M - 3M)
  5. Once the students are finished, place transparencies (one on top of the other) on overhead to observe the results.
  6.  Discussion based on results:
                 a.  What part(s) of the world do EQ generally occur (faults)
                 b.  Where do the most powerful EQ occur?
                 c.  With similar magnitudes, what factors could influence the devastation levels in
                             different areas of the world?
                 d.  Why do most EQ seem to occur along similar lines?

    7.  Introduce transparency showing data of previous EQ and compare/contrast with class
    8. Discuss and interpret any similarities and / or differences;

Tie-In to Content Material

At this point, the  plate tectonic theory may be introduced with the following suggested sequence:
     A)  Distribute tectonic plate map
     B)  Compare EQ data transparencies with plate tectonic transparency;
     C)  Discussion:
             1.  Is there a correlation between where earthquakes occur and plate boundaries?
             2.  What is a plate?
             3.  How and why do they move?
      D)   Types of fault boundaries.
      E)    Results of different boundary movements - EQ, volcano, mid ocean ridge...
      F)    Vocabulary
      D)    Extension: