Earthquakes -I'm Picking Up Good V I B R A T I O N S ! Vibrations - we see them and feel them everywhere- a passing bus, a seventh grade class running down the hall, bouncing a basketball! But sometimes there are larger vibrations caused by a release of earth's interior energy, sometimes a little energy, sometimes a lot. This released energy can cause windows to shake - or - buildings to collapse. The web page that follows examines global and regional vibrations. Using real time earthquake data and other hands-on activites, students will explore earthquakes and plate tectonics.
...see an actual earthquake; San Francisco, 1989
...have a look at worldwide earthquakes
...activities in math and science
...kidding? No! There have been earthquakes in the
northeast...extension activities
Lee-Ann Baxmeyer...Weehawken High School
Helen DeRose...........Hoboken High School
Vivian Faherty............Martin Luther King Educational Complex Paterson
Jon Hammer...............Weehawken High School
This project was developed in conjunction with the Center for Improved Engineering and Science Education (CIESE) which is located at Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken, New Jersey. You can learn more about this project and many other CIESE-sponsored Internet-based projects by visiting: