There's A Man

That Leads a Life.......

Here are the many lives lead by my son
Catch him if you can!

Andrew Clayton at a State of Illinois
4H Show

Andrew and his 4H Electricity Project

Andrew posing with his father, Olin Clayton,
and 4H Leader, Marti Benning, after receiving the "I Dare
You" Award. His father had received the award as well when
he was in 4H, during his high school days

All dressed up ready for his Senior Prom

Dressed to kill as James Bond would say

Andrew in his "monkey suit"

Andrew posed by his 5th great grandfather's grave, James Traylor, he is buried beside his 2nd wife Barb (Rice) Traylor. Andrew's 5th great grandmother was Nancy (Cardwell) Traylor of North Carolina. James Traylor is buried in the old Nichols Cemetery in Coffeen, Illinois, located off the Red Ball Trail.

Andrew with his new board game that was made and
given by his grandfather Dale Clayton of Witt,IL
His sister, Belinda, is standing behind him

Andrew at the Chicago Botanical Gardens

Andrew Clayton serving as Democratic election judge for Raymond,Il in
Zanesville Township. Andrew's father Olin, is Precinct Committeeman for Zanesville Township.

Andrew posing behind a White Sox Board at a
Chicago White Sox game

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