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- Fomichov, V.A. & Fomichova, O.S. (1993): The role of the artificial intelligence theory in developing new, highly effective methods of foreign languages teaching. In PEG93: Proc. of the Seventh Intern. PEG Conf. AI Tools and the Classroom: Theory into Practice. Moray House Institute of Education, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, July 2nd-July 4th 1993, 319-329. ISBN 0901580 570.
- Fomichov, V.A. & Fomichova, O.S. (1994): The Theory of Dynamic Conceptual Mappings and its significance for Education, Cognitive Science, and Artificial Intelligence. Informatica (Slovenia), Vol. 18, No. 2, 131-148.
- Fomichov, V.A. & Fomichova, O.S. (1995a): From ideas of artificial intelligence and cognitive science to the discovery in the theory and methods of teaching. In Abstracts of Papers. 14th Intern. Congress on Cybernetics. Namur (Belgium), August 21 - 25, 1995. Symposium "From Ideas of Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science to New Theories and Methods of Teaching". President-Chairperson: V. Fomichov (Russia). Intern. Association for Cybernetics, Namur, p. 1.
- Fomichov, V.A. & Fomichova, O.S. (1995b): The artificial intelligence theory and highly effective methods of teaching young children foreign languages. Cybernetica (Namur, Belgium), Vol. XXXVIII, No. 4, 321-344.
- Fomichov, V.A. & Fomichova, O.S. (1996): From ideas of artificial intelligence and cognitive science to the discovery in the theory and methods of teaching. In Proc. of the 14th Intern. Congress on Cybernetics. Namur (Belgium), August 21 - 25, 1995. International Association for Cybernetics, Namur, 731-736.
- Fomichov, V.A. & Fomichova, O.S. (1997a): About computer and formal tools for supporting methods of emotional-imaginative teaching languages. Abstracts of the IFIP WG 3.3 Working Conference "Human Computer Interaction and Educational Tools", Sozopol, Bulgaria, May 27th - 28th 1997. University of Sofia, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics. Electronic publication; WWW site .
- Fomichov, V.A. & Fomichova, O.S. (1997b): The potential of the Theory of Dynamic Conceptual Mappings for teaching children and preparation of teachers. In: Meeting the Challenge of the New Technologies. PEG'97. Proc. of the Eighth International PEG Conference. Sozopol, Bulgaria, May 30th - June 1st 1997. Edited by Paul Brna and Darina Dicheva. ISBN: 954-9582-01-9. 1997, VIRTECH, Sofia, 164-170.
- Fomichov, V.A. & Fomichova, O.S. (1997c): From studying operations on conceptual structures to new methods of teaching languages and realizing intelligent tutoring. In: Learning, from Natural Principles to Artificial Methods: Abstracts. AIDRI 97 Conference, University of Geneva, 1997, 79-83.
- Fomichov, V.A. & Fomichova, O.S. (1997d): New prospects opened by the artificial intelligence approach for developing children's thinking and mental outlook. In A.Behrooz (Editor), Knowledge Transfer, Vol. 2 . Proc. of the International Conference "Knowledge Transfer - 1997 (KT97)", University of London, 14 - 16 July 1997, 45-51.
- Fomichov, V.A. & Fomichova, O.S. (1997e): Keynote Address: New Possibilities of Information Transfer Approach - From the Harmony in the Child to Maintaining the Harmony in the World.
In George E. Lasker (Editor), Advances in Sociocybernetics and Human Development, Vol. IV: Sociocybernetics of a Culture of Peace (Proc. of the Special Focus Symposium on the Culture of Peace organized in co-operation with UNESCO, 9th Intern. Conf. on Systems Research, Informatics, and Cybernetics - InterSymp'97, Baden-Baden, Germany, August 18 - 23, 1997). The Intern. Inst. for Advanced Studies in Systems Research and Cybernetics, University of Windsor, Canada, 1997, 98-102.
- Fomichov, V.A. & Fomichova, O.S. (1998a): A new theoretical and practical approach to early positive developing child's consciousness. In Robert Trappl (Editor), Cybernetics and Systems'98. Proceedings of the 14th European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research. Vol. 1, Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies, Vienna, 276-281.
- Fomichov, V.A. & Fomichova, O.S. (1998b): Artificial Intelligence theory and an effective informational-cybernetic conception of developing child's consciousness. Abstracts of the Interdisciplinary Symposium "Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Science, and Philosophy for Social Progress", 15th International Symposium on Cybernetics, Namur, Belgium, August 1998.
- Fomichov, V.A. & Fomichova, O.S. (1998c): A new, informational-cybernetic paradigm for the preparation of future teachers specialized in languages, literature, and art. Proc. of the International Conference "The Future of the Humanities in the Digital Age. Problems and perspectives for humanities education and research". Bergen, Norway, September 25-28, 1998.
- Fomichov, V.A. & Fomichova, O.S. (1998d): Early development of natural-language-processing abilities as a key to up-bringing of children without conflicts. G.Ritschard, A.Berchtold, F.Duc, and A.D.Zighed (Eds.), Apprentissage: des Principes Naturels aux Methodes Artificielles, Paris, Editions Hermes, 1998 (in press).
- Fomichova, O.S. (1995): Emotional-imaginative teaching children foreign languages as a highly effective realization of a general approach to conflicts-free teaching. In Abstracts of Papers. 14th Intern. Congress on Cybernetics. Namur (Belgium), August 21 - 25, 1995. Symposium "From Ideas of Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science to New Theories and Methods of Teaching". President-Chairperson: V. Fomichov (Russia). Intern. Association for Cybernetics, Namur, p. 2.
- Fomichova, O.S. (1996): Emotional-imaginative teaching children foreign languages as a highly effective realization of a general approach to conflicts-free teaching. In Proc. of the 14th Intern. Congress on Cybernetics. Namur (Belgium), August 21 - 25, 1995. International Association for Cybernetics, Namur, 743-748.
- Fomichova, O.S., & Fomichov, V.A. (1996): Theoretical foundations of a new method of teaching children effective information processing. Informatica (Slovenia), Vol. 20, No. 3, 381-399.
- Fomichova, O.S., & Fomichov, V.A. (1997): From analysis of conceptual mappings to new principles of teaching languages and designing intelligent tutoring systems. In: G.E. Lasker, D. Dubois, and B. Teiling (Eds.), Advances in Modelling of Anticipative Systems (II). Intern. Inst. for Advanced Studies in Systems Research, Informatics, and Cybernetics, University of Windsor, Canada, 78-82. (Proc. of the Special Focus Symposium on Modelling of Anticipative Systems, 9th Intern. Conf. on Systems Research, Informatics, and Cybernetics, Germany, Baden-Baden, August 18 - 23, 1997).
- Fomichova, O.S., Fomichov, V.A., & Oudalova, L.D. (1998): Keynote Address: An Effective Aproach to Enriching Children's Conceptual Systems for Making Closer Different Cultures. In George E. Lasker (Editor), Advances in Sociocybernetics and Human Development, Vol. V: Sociocybernetics of a Culture of Peace (Proc. of the Second International Symposium on the Culture of Peace and Dialgue of Civilizations for the Third Millenium organized in co-operation with UNESCO, 10th Intern. Conf. on Systems Research, Informatics, and Cybernetics - InterSymp'98, Baden-Baden, Germany, August 17 - 22, 1998). The Intern. Inst. for Advanced Studies in Systems Research and Cybernetics, University of Windsor, Canada (in press).
- Fomichova, O.S. & Oudalova, L.D (1998): Semantic components of emotions as the basic elements contributing to successful learning and up-bringing. Abstracts of the Interdisciplinary Symposium "Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Science, and Philosophy for Social Progress", 15th International Symposium on Cybernetics, Namur, Belgium, August 1998.