Pug's Place

Welcome, All Those Who Relish the Works of E.F. Benson!

Joplin, by Jove!

Hallo! Lady Ambermere's Pug here (at least that's what they called me on the Benson List) eager to show you around. There's plenty of Benson (and a great deal of Pug) on these pages.

A on-line celebration to commemorate of E.F. Benson's 132nd birthday was conducted on the E.F. Benson List in July 1999. Hundreds of messages were posted and there were numerous webpages designed specifically for this event. I acted as host for the event and have compiled a page of links to these webpages. Enjoy!

The first on-line birthday celebration, in honor of Benson's 131st birthday was hosted by my good friend, Mrs. Titus W. Trout, and took place on July 24, 1998. You can experience (or re-experience) the entire shebang!

The E.F. Benson Cookbook, features recipes contributed by Benson List members, stunningly illustrated by Mrs. Titus W. Trout. Here you'll find recipes for such concoctions featured in the Mapp & Lucia books as Raspberry Fool, Dressed Crab, Tartlets, Fairy Cakes, and even Lobster á la Riseholme.

The The Benson List Sci-Fi & Fantasy Story Contest, an improbable mix of some of our favorite sci-fi and fantasy works and Tilling's immortal characters.

Looking for a good book? Try the Book List A listing of all the books, films, websites, and articles that have come up in discussions on the E.F. Benson List. See also the shorter Recommended Book List for favorite Benson List authors and books.

Those of you curious or masochistic enough will no doubt enjoy the great whacking dollops of Pure Pug that follow.

Pug and Puglet

Pure Pug

There's nothing like a good digression, I always say. Check out some of my more notable meanderings from Benson List discussions:

Can't get enough doggerel? Here are the Complete Pug Poems.

Finally, a fictional foray, written in honor of E.F. Benson (it would be too flattering to say in the style of Benson: "Miss Flora's Orchid."

I'm also proud to present two pieces by Lord Tony Limpsfield: "The Cask of Prewar" , a delicious Benson spoof, and "The Maid of Vestergaard" , a chilling ghost story set in Lord Tony's native land, Denmark. Too thrilling!

Benson Abounds!

Yes, there seem to be more Benson sites each day! I'm sure you'll want to pay a visit to Mrs. Trout's lovely home, Fisherman's Cottage, where the historic birthday party was held. She's got such good sherry (and gossip)... always worth a visit.

You've probably been there, as it is the source for information on Benson on the Internet, but in case you haven't, be sure to visit the E.F. Benson Page.

A new gathering place for Benson devotees is at the E.F. Benson Forum at Delphi. Members of the Benson List can come by for chats and check in at the message board for News and for an informal archive of memorable Benson List postings.

Our favorite peer of the realm and hedonist has his own site, Lord Limpsfield's Ham Page, where you can check out the latest version of "The Prying Game" and read Lord Tony's very own memoirs.

Visit Rye - virtually - at Robert Ross' Tilling. It's just jammed-packed with photos of Rye and the environs, not to mention the latest installment of Lord Tony's The Tilling Scandals.

Feeling a bit peckish? It's Tea Time in Tilling. Catch up on all the local news and have one of Diva's sardine tarlets... or maybe pass on the tarlet.

Feeling Adventurous?

Then be sure to check out a discussion list that Mrs. Trout, the Contessa, Poona, and I started in 1999 - Great Explorers.

Wondering what Pug is up to these days? Come visit my new home, Kneicesby Idle.

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