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Howdy, howdy! Welcome to my site. Hi, I'm Kai Walker, demonspiral to some.
If you came on a Neopets matter, then my username is kaiwalker. Drop me a
line if you find this site useful. You can also click on the sig in the top left corner
to email me.

2nd Feb 2007:

     You know, some people disgust me! The following is an exert from a news article from WSPA on (a survey site, yes, but with a difference -- every cent you earn goes to the charity/charities of your choice, a worthy cause).

Major blow for world’s cruellest animal bloodsport

Wed 17 Jan 2007

The notoriously violent bloodsport of bear baiting – where fighting dogs are pitted against a restrained and defenceless bear – moved one step closer to ending after three baiting bears were confiscated last week at a baiting event in Pakistan. The event was part of a week-long rural village fair in the Sindh province in Pakistan. Field officers from WSPA member society Wildlife Society of Pakistan (WSP) were able to gain access to the event and film it despite the great dangers involved. Fakhar Abbas of WSP then showed provincial wildlife authorities who raided the event two days later. The confiscated baiting bears are now at the Kund Park bear sanctuary in Pakistan’s North-West Frontier Province.

     Just in case it gets taken down, a copy of the article (I don't think WSPA will mind since I support their cause and am trying to spread the word) is here.

7th Dec 2006:

     My first Christmas gift for the year!!!

     I think I will call him Mr. Plums. *huggles* *sigh*

     There's just something about hugging teddy bears, you know?

6th Nov 2006:

     Aw crud!! I've gone and deleted the images for NeoQuest I!! Why oh why did I decide to do some spring cleaning?!!

     On the other hand, now I need to go make new ones!! So update time!!!

26th Jul 2006:
     An almost perfect reflection on the water... the world in reverse... like madness in the eyes of a child.

I'm thinking it's almost time for me to start a new story.

7th Feb 2006:
     Well isn't that just the darndest thing? I haven't had a nightmare like that for a long time. See my blog for the other nightmares. This one actually really frightened me. It happened two nights ago.
     I don't remember the dream itself much. Loads of blood and gore and some chick with serated teeth. But the after really got to me. I always knew there was something in my room, but it was never hostile and sometimes I just get the feeling it was nostalgic. Little things, like little dried flowers left around my room. But that night it felt like something else was there. Something definately malevolent. As I'm typing this now, it still brings a shiver down my spine and chills my fingers. I could feel it perched on my computer chair, about a metre from my bed. It's the darkest part of my room, despite the window being up to let moonlight and wind in. My chair was creaking as if something heavy was on it.
     I tried to ignore it and get back to sleep, tell myself it's just the aftermath of my dream, but I wonder now if it wasn't its presence that made me dream of such horror, coz I know it didn't start as a nightmare.
     I have a cross hanging above my bed, I remember thinking. I also wear one around my neck, but that didn't stop the fear, so I lay there, too scared to move. Then the soft creak of my chair stopped. It felt like the thing had moved. It was a cool night that night. I know this because I had my quilt on. But along with the nice breeze from my window, there was a hot air blowing from above my head. There's a coffee table at the head of my bed. Nothing there could have produced such warm puffs of air. Like a breath.
     I felt like something was leaning on my head. That was when I began to pray, half-remembered prayers from childhood. Several times, I felt like whatever it was was trying to enter me, so I kept up the prayers, stumbling often in my dread. I remember thinking, prayers are only words.
     But then I thought, no it isn't. It's only words if I do not mean them. I'm not overly religious, but I do believe. And so I believed. Sometimes words can carry you through the darkness nights, faith in the truth behind them, so I listened to the words I whispered, and IT failed. Each time it failed, it felt like it was becoming increasingly frustrated and angry, its attacks increasingly intense. My head throb and several times I thought I would give up.
     Then daylight came and I fell asleep.
     I woke up to find the cross above my bed had fallen behind the poster it hung from. It has since been adjusted to stand watch over me. I don't know what all this means, but the next night I felt its presence again, this time passive, like it had decided it could wait me out. Let's hope its wrong, but I leave this as a record. Of what, I dunno. Maybe I am crazy, but either way...
     Like I said, I'm not overly religious, but I do believe. I believe I was given a brain, and I like to put it to use. I'm a scientist too, but I can't explain what I felt that night. I've always tried to look to the light and ignore the shadows behind me, but ignoring something doesn't make it go away. Ignoring it is as good as acknowledgement, as good as faith.
     "... but only say the word, and I shall be healed."
     God, I hope this is true.

NEW!: NeoQuest II Maps in the process of being put up, now!

UPDATED!: Battledome now updated with Eyrieki's details!

UPDATED!: Yay!!! The Ruins Rampage Walkthru got its much needed upgrade!!
It's now much easier on the eyes! And there's now also faint guide lines
in the actual game! Why would you not want to play? Get to it!

NEW!: New story, about the Queen of the vampires, the Blood Born, and she's
not about to make any apologies for who she is!
        Chapter One now available!

UPDATED!: New story, about the first vampire, the First Blood and his path to redemption!
        Chapter Six now available!

  • Neopets Related:
    • Brain Tree Answers Lists
    • Game Guides for Kiko Match, Jubble Bubble, Faerie Bubbles, Sewage Surfer and maybe a few others I have trophies in.
    • More Neoquest I Maps -- I didn't know anyone was actually using these so I stopped putting them up, but apparently there were a few visitors July 2005, so I guess I'll keep going.
    • Links to useful Neopets sites -- In the meantime, is a great site to find a database of every item ever available in the Neopets world.
    • Let me know if there's anything else you're interested in.
  • The story of Angel and Angela. It's in the process of being written, so soon may be a few months. If there is enough interest, I may put it up chapter by chapter.

Last updated: 13th Dec 2006