Sunrise Lodge #130, GL, AF&AM, North Dakota, USA

Keystone Chapter #5, Grand Chapter, Fargo Council #1, Grand Council, Auvergne Commandery #2, Grand Commandery,
of North Dakota Cryptic Rite Masons of North Dakota of Knights Templar of North Dakota

Walter Lincoln Stockwell Red River Council #193 Wild Prarie Rose No. 56 St. Felix Conclave Spirit of the Lord
Priory No. 53 Allied Masonic Degrees York Rite College Red Cross of Constantine Tabernacle LXIV
Knights of the York Holy Royal Arch
Cross of Honour Knight Templar Priests

Minnesota Council #34 Grand College of Rites
Knight Masons United States of America
Provincial Grand Lodge, R.S.Y.C.S.
and Provincial Grand Chapter, H.R.M. of K.L.W.N.G.
of the United States of America
of the Royal Order of Scotland

Valley of Fargo, Orient of North Dakota, of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Free Masonry (Southern Jurisdiction)
I am through the degree work of the Scottish Rite, having received the 32nd degree Thursday, December 17, 1999.
I took the work by courtesy at the Valley of Minneapolis in their wonderful long class.

And, Most recently, The Southern California Research Lodge, the Philalethes Society, the National Sojourners, and the Frontier Army Lodge of Masonic Research 1875.
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