Welcome to my Guestbook!

Kim Flowers (or silly) - 12/01/00 00:55:58
My URL:/CollegePark/Square/4038
My Email:silly_1979@hotmail.com

Kewl page.8-)

Jeramie Broadway - 11/02/00 02:48:42
My Email:J_broadway@email.msn.com

I am interested in becoming a brother if you wouldemail me and we could talk. I am in Grand Forks,ND. Thank you

Bro David Anthony - 10/20/00 09:30:40
My Email:Bro David Anthony

Enjoyed your Web-Site. Fraternal greetings from all at Lodge Saratoga 937 in N.S.W. Australia.

David Hanson - 08/01/00 13:52:08
My Email:dnehans@daktel.com

Looks great, like everything you do!!

Greg Balla - 12/24/99 01:53:07
My URL:http://www.tbf.net/ke93
My Email:gregballa@home.com

Greetings from the officers and brethren of King Edward Lodge #93 in Winnipwg, Manitoba. We would like to wish you and yours a very happy and prosperous festive season. Please visit our web site http://www.tbf.net/ke93 when you have the time, Fraternally W.Bro. Greg Balla

Beth Zitzow - 11/14/99 02:53:19
My Email:blzitzow@juno.com

cool site!!!!

Ken Bowers - 09/28/99 17:46:21
My URL:http://my.av.com/groups-population
My Email:kbowersjr@aol.com

Dear Mason Member: I want to invite you to visit the site of the Society for Human Population Control. http://my.av.com/groups-population Please let me know what you think of it. Ken Bowers

- 09/27/99 00:51:17


- 07/18/99 22:57:12


bro.john fogle - 07/06/99 16:57:21
My Email:fogles_ark@hotmail.com

thank you for your enlightning on masonry in N.D. i'm moving there in october from maryland. i'm moving to drake n.d. i'm looking for a lodge to become a part of. i'm also scottish rite so i need to find a home in that as well. fraternaly; bro. john

Gary Osborn - 05/07/99 04:07:51
My Email:garyo@cpinternet.com

Chris, Great web site. You have gone to a lot of time and work to set this up I'm sure. With all the anti masonary stuff out there it is refreshing to see the truth printed. Thanks for doing so. Gary O. Tri-State Lodge #37 P.S. Entered second time because typed wrong e-mail address first time

Gary Osborn - 05/07/99 04:00:20
My Email:garyo@cpinterner.com

Chris, Great web site. You have gone to a lot of time and work to set this up I'm sure. With all the anti masonary stuff out there it is refreshing to see the truth printed. Thanks for doing so. Gary O. Tri-State Lodge #37

william a. hill 33 - 05/03/99 20:14:06
My Email:william_hill@ndb.uscourts.gov

Well, Chris, I am impressed! You have done so much to promote Freemasonry in the past and now this wonderful website will serve to further the craft even more.I wish we had such interest and dedication from about 50 brothers - then we could carry on as ma y other jurisdictions do.I really can't understand what the problem is in North Dakota or specifically in Fargo but in part the lack of involvement is due to the ready ease with which one may now become a MM. Why, there is no sense of accomplishment at a l! Why it took my daughter two years of almost daily struggle to get a black belt in tae kwon do and I'll tell you that she is proud fo her accomplishment. Well, it used to be that way with acheiving the MM degree and the higher degrees of York and Scott ch Rite, but no more. Just sign a card and mumble some words and you're in.. better yet, you're in the Shrine before you know it. One night stands never lead to stable marriages. And one night stands are all Freemasonry offers in many jurisdictions. Anyway, off my soapbox. Excellent website.

Lauren R Lampi - 02/23/99 04:30:37
My Email:lrlampi@northernnet.com

To Chris, Enjoyed your Site. Just got the ND Grand York Rite Session Information From our Grand Secretary. Plan on attending. Lauren R Lampi, Minnesota Grand Chapter Grand Rapids, Minnesota

Harlan "Pete" Peterson - 02/01/99 15:38:18
My Email:gpetjn@worldnet.att.net

Hey Chris...I'm new in the computer business. Just found your site. Greetings from South Dakota. Pete.

Kermit K. Schauer - 12/07/98 03:31:33
My Email:kermit@zianet.com

Oh yes, I am still hanging around Masonry. Etc. etc. Best to You & Yours. Kermit

Albert P. Smith - 11/14/98 21:22:33
My Email:apsmith7@juno.com

Chris; A Great Job Well Done.

John Bridewell - 10/29/98 20:41:30
My Email:bridewel@aero.und.edu

I like what you have done and am envious.

Stephen A. Selkirk - 10/26/98 20:33:14
My Email:OUNDN@AOL.com

Chris, nice mountain of work you've created here!!! Easy to access, attractive layout, what can I say, keep up the outstanding effort and bringing us more of this useful information...Warm wishes from your Brothers here in Oklahoma, SAS Junior Warden West ood Lodge #512, OKC, OK

10/26/98 10:56:37
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing. Thanks.

Ray Jensen - 10/26/98 07:58:14
My Email:rjensen@aloha.net

Bro. chris, I am a member of Tongur River Lodge in Cavalier Nd. I just came across your site looks good, am looking forward to visiting often. The email address is kind'a misleading, it is a Honolulu Hi. site, I live and work on Wake Island 2,400 Miles to the west of there, but it,s a local call from here.

JERRY NEVLAND - 10/14/98 02:58:36
My Email:jerrynevland@hotmail.com

Brother Chris, A great web page - very informational and educational. I'll be checking in with you periodically to see the "improvements" you have made on your site. I also bookmarked this one. Take care and hope to see you soon. Best Regards, Jerry Nevland, Senior Deacon, Lodge #5, Bismarck, ND.

Michael B. Buck - 10/09/98 05:48:20
My Email:michael513@home.com

Hi Hiram, From the Scribe of Triple Tau Chapter No. 33, Bellflower California. Well, I belong to a lot of other stuff too, but we just had our RAM tonight, so I am still there mostly... Yep, I am gald to that you Eastern floks still have the "Right Stuff". A very nice Web site, THANK YOU. Mike

SK Christopher Harris, 32° - 10/03/98 15:50:47
My URL:http://members.aol.com/CHarris141/mason.html
My Email:CHarris141@aol.com

Thanks for putting up your site. Please visit my site and the Valley of Kansas City website of which I am Webmaster... We would love to have you visit. http://members.aol.com/aasrkcmo/index.html

John P. Westervelt, PM - 09/13/98 16:49:01
My Email:jwestervelt@Hotmail.com

Bro Chris - great site - Hi from John Borland. John has settled here in Winchester, VA, and we've become good friends (wives, too!) How is the flood recovery going up your way? After the water subsided, you were no longer "hot" news, and many of us down ere wonder how you're doing. Do I correctly remmeber that the SR Temle was saved? If and when I get a site, I'll let you know. Keep searching for the light. John

Rick Van Cura, RWGL - 09/05/98 05:31:57
My URL:http://members.aol.com/Rvancura
My Email:Rvancura@aol.com

This page is an asset to the Masonic Community; nicely constructed, quick loading, informative, and pleasing to the eye. Please keep up the good work. Rick Van Cura

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