This is the beginning of my Freemasonry page. I hope it will always be under construction.

Created September, 1998. Last updated May 5, 2004.

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UPDATED Wednesday, May 5, 2004

Well, Brothers and friends, I don't have much to add this time. I have completed my time as head of the Royal Arch Masons of North Dakota and the State Rainbow Dad for the great kids who are the Rainbow For Girls in North Dakota. With the end of those terms, my time in leadership roles in Freemasonry is pretty much done. My job has taken away my flexibility to the point that I had to give up my position as the Wise Master of the Chapter Rose Croix of the Scottish Rite in Fargo. Just as well. Beyond the problems of restricted time and means, I don't think I have had an original idea for a couple of years. Treading water is no way to be a Masonic leader. I still serve as the Fargo Rainbow Dad - I hope I can do justice to the job.


Added Saturday, July 20, 2002

Well, Brothers and friends, it has taken a while, but, since nobody cares about a PAST Grand Master's schedule, I am dropping the link to my calendar. A lot of you were instrumental in getting me through my service to the Grand Lodge of North Dakota. I hope I have found, or will find, the opportunity to thank each one of you. It is an experience I recommend any Brother to strive for who can spare the time. Thanks.



Added Friday, September 28, 2001

At the 2001 North Dakota Grand Assembly of the International Order of Rainbow for Girls, Mary and I were able to attend almost their entire session. They also allowed me to take some of their time. The link below will take you to a pretty good approximation of what I said (I'm afraid I made some changes after I printed out my notes that I've not been able to incorporate in the text).

This link will take you to my Rainbow Apron 2001 presentation.

In 2000 Mary and I visited the Rainbow's Mini-Grand Assembly in Grand Forks. I tried to explain to them a bit about Freemasonry, and their links to it. The link below will take you to that bit.

Well, kids, it took me about a year, but here it finally is, the Mini-Grand 2000 presentation.



Added Thursday, September 13, 2001

At the 2001 Grand Assembly for North Dakota's International Order of Rainbow for Girls the new Worthy Advisor for Mandan/Flasher Assembly, and the new Grand Worthy Advisor for North Dakota presented me a beautiful model of a Masonic Lodge room they had built for me out of Legos. They knew I like to play with Legos, and could not have made me a finer present. THANKS!


Added June 16, 2002

You no longer have to RUN!! or HIDE!! I am no longer the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge, A.F. & A.M. of North Dakota. MW Bro. Alan Malm is doing a great job in that office. The current Grand Officers make me confident that things can only improve for many years. Good luck to you all!


Added Tuesday, August 1, 2000

One of the most promising methods for istructing and socializing our new members is some kind of Mentor program. Many jurisdictions have them, but a lot of the Mentor programs are not being widely used.
This example, courtesy of the Grand Lodge, AF&AM, of Minnesota, by the assistance of Bro. Doug Campbell, their Grand Secretary and Bro. Bill and Mrs. Ann Papas, gives an exciting idea as to just how useful a well-applied coaching program can be.

Click here for the 26 page, 700k Word .doc file.

Click here for the 51 page, supplementary Quest Books file.


Added Sunday, July 30, 2000

For the 100th Anniversary Celebaration of Welcome Lodge #54 of the Grand Lodge, AF&AM, of North Dakota in Churchs Ferry, Bro. Jim Tresner - noted Masonic scholar and author, with research assistance by Bro. Robert Davis, wrote a play that attempts to depict what may have happened during a Scot's operative Lodge meeting in the early 1500s.

The play arose from discussions between MW Bro. Jim Savaloja, Past Grand Master, North Dakota, and Bro. Tresner. Bros. Tresner and Davis developed, and the Brethren of the cast presented, what we all need to include in our Trestleboards - an interesting break from the usual.

Bros. Tresner and Davis came up from Oklahoma to help with the production, and the Brothers from Welcome Lodge, with a little help from nearby Lodges, made the costumes and props and rehearsed to a nice degree of proficiency.

After a nice Centennial ceremony in the Lodge hall (with presentations by the Grand Masters of North Dakota, Minnesota (AF&AM), and Manitoba, the Brothers adjourned to the old school auditorium where the play was presented for an appreciative audience.

This is just one of many entertaining, yet informative, programs that can be used for almost any Masonic occasion. The Masonic Service Association of North America has other plays available, and many other useful programs, too.

Take a look!

Click here for This links to a page that displays the pages from Bro. Tresner's play. WARNING!!! This adds up to over 3 megs, so may take a long time to load. WARNING!! The link below will lead you to an index for the individual page scans. You could right-click and save them from there. That may work better.

Click here to try to 'right-click' save those same page images from the play "The Guild Lodge of St. Canice." This may work MUCH better. There are 58 individual image-links here.



Click here for the Freemasonry in North Dakota Site. It leads to the Official Grand Lodge, Official Grand Chapter of Eastern Star, Grand York Rite, and several Constituent Bodies sites, too.

Added Friday, April 23, 1999

Click here for photos from the Masonic Revitalization/Renewal/Leadership Training seminar held in Fargo on Sunday, April 11, 1999. There are photos of the session here. By using the next two links, you can view and/or download images of the overhead projections used by our Presenter, RW Bro. Duane Anderson - who has just been Installed Junior Grand Warden of the Grand Lodge, A.F. & A.M., of Minnesota.

Click here for pics of the overhead images from the April 11, 1999 Revitalization session. _______ Warning!!! These 33 images add up to a page which is 5 megabytes. Warning!!!

Click here to try to 'right-click' save those same images from the April 11, 1999 Revitalization Seminar.__ This may work MUCH better. There are 33 individual image-links here.

Added Monday, February 15, 1999

Click here for images of Sunrise lodge's 50th Anniversary History. _______ Warning!!! These 26 images add up to a page which is 4 megabytes. Warning!!!

Click here to try to 'right-click' save those same images from the Sunrise Lodge 50th Anniversary History.__ This may work MUCH better. There are 26 individual image-links here.


Added Sunday, January 31, 1999

Click here for images of the North Dakota Grand Lodge's Lodge Membership Program. Several of our Lodges have used this Program, and I have never known it to fail to result in a signed petition when properly prepared for. Try it in your Lodge! Warning!!! These 23 images add up to a page which is 1.5 megabytes. Warning!!!

Click here to try to 'right-click' save those same images from the North Dakota Lodge Membership Program on an individual basis, without having to wait for a large page to display. This may work MUCH better. There are 23 individual image-links here.


Added On Saturday, December 19, 1998

Click here to see images from the evening when I received my 32nd degree of the Scottish Rite. The completion for my Class of the fifteen night journey through the Scottish Rite's 29 degrees. The wonderful casts and crews at the Minneapolis Valley would be an asset to any Theatre.

Click here for the overhead images used by Ex. Comp. Duane Anderson of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons on Minnesota at the recent North Central Chapter/Council Conference in South Sioux City, Nebraska. Ex. Comp. Anderson's presentation alone made the trip worthwhile. Warning!!! These images add up to a page which is 2.5 megabytes. Warning!!!

Click here to try to 'right-click' save those same images from Ex. Comp. Anderson's presentation on an individual basis, without having to wait for them to display. This may work MUCH better. There are 32 individual image-links here.


On Sunday, August 16, 1998 at 3:00 pm, CST, my Lodge, Sunrise Lodge #130, GL, AF&AM, North Dakota (U.S.A.), had the solemn duty of presenting the Masonic Memorial Service for our esteemed Brother and Honorary Past Master the W. Bro. Lyle D. Beck.

I ask all of you to read our ceremony by using the Word for Windows 6.0 file membeck.doc W. Bro. Lyle Beck's Memorial Service

I am also uploading a file which is a transcription of the letter explaining the beautiful gavels which he made and presented to our Lodge:

The story of the gavels presented to Sunrise by W. Bro. Beck

More pictures of Sunrise's Beck Gavels

This shot, from nearly 20 years ago, when my brother Gerald and I were Raised,

shows my father, W. Bro. Clayton S. Christianson in the top hat on the right, me in the white sweater, and my brother, W. Bro. Gerald C. Christianson on the left.

Gerald and I took all of our Degree Work together.

Standing behind us is the current Master of our Lodge, W. Bro. Paul Burkhardt.

By 1988 all three of us had been Masters of Sunrise Lodge.

I am very active in my Masonic Lodge, Sunrise Lodge #130, Grand Lodge, AF&AM, of North Dakota (USA), in Fargo, North Dakota (USA), and
in the York Rite of Freemasonry, too.

Click here for some images from Sunrise's 50th Anniversary party on June 22, 1998. It was held at the Plains Art Museum in Fargo, North Dakota (USA) in conjunction with the Theatre of the Fraternity exhibit, which was there until early September.

NEWLY UPDATED NEWLY UPDATED Click here to see North Dakota's 2001-2002 Grand York Rite Officers NEWLY UPDATED

25 items added September 14, 2001Click here to see some of the essays I have written for a few Masonic (and one general) publications.

Click here to see all of the Fall 1998, Winter 1998 and Summer 1999 North Dakota inserts to the Royal Arch Magazine

I thought you might like to see the Masonic Bodies to which I belong. Click here to go to that page

And now, for something completely different, LINKS:

Masonic Postal Chess Club

The Grand Encampment of Knights Templar, USA

A great York Rite source

More York Rite links

York Rite Honors groups links

Grand Commandery supplements to the Knight Templar Magazine

The MW Award site. An awards program for well set-up Masonic sites

A graphics link

First Masonic District of New Jersey. A good source of Masonic resources.'s extensive links to Lodges, Grand Lodges, etc.
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