To tell the truth she's the same person...You
know these Australians that just can't make up their mind *sighs*
Later there will be links but as I tire of my old
page this one is a brief new one. A few pics, not too
much chat and an email address to say hello if you like.
Lets just call it the no frills one eh?
This may have been a few years ago, but synonymous with bridesmaids I thought.
Ok, a quick introduction, I am a first years student
studying to be a teacher...*slap* listen! I'll will make a
terrific teacher, you just put the thought of the bottle and the bridesmaid
thing right out of your mind ..OK! Yes
I am late beginning my education. Heck I didn't know what I wanted
to be until now! Thankfully, I met a chap here some time ago
that persuaded me to think beyond the box I live in and imagine myself
to be less thick than I originally lead myself to believe.
Otherwise I am lying to myself right now...and I would like you to know...I
am doing a wonderful job at it. *grins* So any folk out there
contemplating having children...BEWARE!!! I am to be a primary
school teacher...If you don't believe me to be a suitable example of a
teacher DON'T HAVE KIDS (Wanda coming to a school
near you!) *smiles wickedly*
Ok, other than that , I am of course an Aussie from Newcastle. That's
about an hour and a bit from the Olympic city Sydney. Newcastle is also
beautiful and accompanied by the Hunter Valley where the worlds finest
vineyards are located and supply that lovely plonk you have probably enjoyed
at your favourite restaurant... otherwise known for those less familiar
with the word 'plonk'
OK other than that I keep myself by working
with a pest control firm...Rats have been a very popular service where
I work, so this one I kept for a souvenir. I even bring my work home
with me occasionally...
Anyway enough of this...I am a mum of two wonderful kidlets .A
lil one and a big one *smiles*
I shall add some other pics here for you, but I will come back to this
and fix the page up properly. For now, I have study to get to and this
is to be left for a couple of months again folks. Sorry
cant be helped *sigh* Enjoy and write me if you are so inclined.
*waves* *splash* cheers!
This is of course my gorgeous big kidlet.
Unfortunately my other baby is not on a film today here, so a pic still to come *sighs* Sorry kidlet, you'll be on my page soon.*smiles*
Some images of my city.
Newcastle Harbour entrance & very cute man.
Newcastle Wharf hang out...Phallic, what do you mean? *grins*
Hamilton is the place the '97 earthquake told Aussies on the Eastcoast,that
we do have earth quakes in Australia. *sigh*
Just a beautiful place, Newcastle City.
send me an email some time...Love to say hi... Oh, and sorry if I have stuffed the html, not certian if I have the send e-mail thingy working *sigh*