Yiddish Poetry in America

Enriching the Present through Links to the Past

Welcome! This homepage is dedicated to offering selections from poetry in Yiddish written by authors who lived in the U.S. This month I am happy to present poetry from the distinguished H. Leivick, many times a laureate, and, for the first time, verse written by Dovid Edelshtat, with whom Yiddish poetry begins on these shores, as well as a further selection of verse from the amiable Avrom Reisen. To read the poems, click on the links below.

In honor of International Women's Day, March 8, I am pleased to include on this page a poem by Avrom Reisen (o"h):

a gezang tsu kemferins

velkhe fonen flatern
vi a yam a broyznder?
velkhe trit es hern zikh
fun di tsendlik toyznter?

epes her ikh zingendik
lider keyn geveynlekhe,
un vi kumt bagaysterung
in di teg di kleynlekhe?

hey, der marsh, der eydeler,
iz azoy badaytndik,
punkt basmalkes ven foroys
fort di malke raytndik!

velkhe oygn shtraln es
azoy lustik, blikndik?
velkhe shtimen shaln es
azoy hel anttsikndik?

kent ir undz're shvesters nisht?
di in sheper troyern?
itst in kamf marshirn zey
tsu di frayhayts-toyern.

nemt mikh, frayndins, mit mit aykh,
kh'bin a bruder ayerer,
unter frayhayts-fon zayt ir
shener nokh un tayerer!

Zayt gezunt,
Craig Abernethy
tsum alem ershtn, lider

Links to other sites on the Web

To read poems by H. Leivick, click here.
To read poetry by Dovid Edelshtat, click here.
To read poems by Avrom Reisen, click here.
To go to the page, derekh erets un dermonung, devoted to Soviet-era Yiddish authors, and now featuring selections from eynikayt, the newspaper of the Jewish Antifascist Committee (1942-1948), click here. Next week, in celebration of the birthday of Solomon Mikhoels, the page derekh erets un dermonung will carry excerpts from one of Mikhoels' essays.
To see literary anniversaries for this month, click here.

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