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Everyone (especially Polish students) interested in ENGLISH PROFICIENCY EXAMS Welcome to Astra Publishing! |
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Astra Publishing has been created solely for those of you who want to reach for the stars in the next millenium and realize that it makes sense to prepare well. No matter what you want to do, whatever is your future dream occupation - taking (with high scores!) the English Proficiency exam is the first step toward success. Although the TOEFL book, this web site, and CDs (work in progress) published by Astra are to prepare Polish students (very) well to TOEFL and other English Proficiency exams we must not forget that learning English well and getting the best scores should not be a goal in itself BUT just one of the sub-goals on your way to higher riches, whether material (money matters!) or more mental and spiritual. Knowing English well, and proving it to the world with good exam scores, will open many, many doors for you. Here, however, is the only Polish place to lead you through that first step: the English Proficiency exam. SO... |
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GET YOUR NOTEBOOK AND YOUR FAVORITE PEN (in UK they would say "favourite") COME HERE ANYTIME OF NIGHT OR DAY DO MY EXERCISES, POST NEW, ASK QUESTIONS ABOUT ENGLISH LANGUAGE! You can do all that in the guestbook, because this is not a guestbook at all!!! This is our BULLETIN BOARD! I will post there any info (like: new additions, contests etc. and I will try to bore you to death with my pseudo-philosophical musings. Fun for everyone! As far as I know this is the ONLY page crafted especially for Polish students of advanced English language. If you know of any such place please e-mail me with a link. BUT NOW GO TO OTHER PAGES: |
"Na rozdrozu"albo "directory" - there (oh no! there are two directories here - seems that I am getting entangled in my own web!) you will find the way to go to the next pages: pages with exercises in grammar and reading comprehension, new idioms, phrases, homonyms,or other confusing English words. Please view the guestbook - you can find a lot of interesting information there. And then... please sign the guestbook - we all want to learn more! After all is said and done, please click on the last button in the directory. You will see the only book written especially for Polish students preparing for TOEFL: Astra's Polish Preparation Course for the TOEFL TEST"
W "directory" zobaczysz gdzie dalej mozesz isc na moich "sciezkach". These are MY pages! Now you may go to ALL the places that might be interesting to ALL Polish students interested in studying advanced English Links- everything about ESL, English Proficiency exams like TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) or CPE (Cambridge Proficiency exam)- (not there yet) or FCE (First Certificate of English), anything of interest to Polish students of advanced English or just to Polish people all over the world. Go there... or else. PLEASE leave an interesting link!!! |
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Want to get in touch with me? You may always e-mail me atastrapub@geocities.com You may also find my e-mail address in the guestbook - the first entry. Please leave a note to all of us while you are there. By the way, this page, as well as the following pages at this site are copyrighted by Aleksandra Tomasik 1998 - yet the author agrees that these pages be printed and copied for educational, not commercial, purposes.
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