Projects Handled
Title : School Education in India
Organisation : NCERT.
Duration : May '98 - Aug'98
Role : Design & Development
Team Size : 2
Using Java, JavaScript, HTML under Windows 95.
URL : http ://
Title : Sugar Plant System
Duration : Jan '98 to April ' 98
Role : Design & Development
Team Size : 1
Using JDK1.1.4 under Windows 95. This system is only layout of the sugar Plant .
Title : NCERT Webpage
Organisation : NCERT, Delhi.
Duration : Nov ' 97 - Dec ' 97
Role : Development
Team Size : 2
Using Java, HTML under Windows 95.
Title : Payroll System
Organisation : NCERT, Delhi.
Duration : Jun '97 - Oct' '97
Role : Development
Team Size : 10
Using VB4.0 & Visual Foxpro as Back End under Windows 95. User friendly screen design and validation of all input data. Maintains record of all the employees. Generates report for all the employees from different regional office, different department, teaching and non-teaching staffs.
Title : File Transfer System
Organisation : Octagon Technology Ltd, Madras.
Duration : Mar '97 to April ' 97
Role : Design & Development
Team Size : 4
Using Java under Windows 95. Highly secured user friendly FTP Software. Windows client talks to FTP servers on multiple platform. Client logs in using username and password. Server checks for username, password and specified filename. Server rejects the client for improper entries and fulfills the requirement for proper entries.
Title : Image Processing (Tamil Nadu Map)
Organisation : Octagon Technology Ltd, Madras.
Duration : Jan ' 97 - Feb '97
Role : Design & Development
Team Size : 4
Using Java & HTML under Windows 95. Highly user friendly. Using java.awt & java.awt.image. Image Cropping, Zooming & Filtering.
Organisation : Octagon Technology Ltd, Madras.
Duration : Oct' 96 - Dec '96
Role : Design & Development
Team Size : 4
Using Java & HTML under Windows 95. Highly user friendly. Used all HTML commands, GIF files, Animation, Voice & Morphing.
Title : Personnel Information System
Organisation : Octagon Technology Ltd, Madras.
Duration : July' 96 - Sep '96
Role : Design & Development
Team Size : 5
Using Visual Basic under MS-Windows. Highly user friendly. Displays the details of any individual and of all employees. To keep the database upto date, we must be able to add, modify and delete records. Print details of one or all employees. The print form method can be used to copy the individual, searching either by Name or Emp. No. , select groups based on either their Departmentwise or Regionwise.
Title : Student Information System
Organisation : Octagon Technology Ltd, Madras.
Duration : April' 96 - June '96
Role: Development
Team Size : 4
Using Visual Basic under MS-Windows. Highly user friendly. This systems has all information about each student like Reg.No. , Name, DOJ, Address, Course Code, Course Details & Duration, etc., Each screen validate the input data and user friendly. Outputs are Namewise, Coursewise, Duewise & Durationwise.
Title : Banking Operations-Modules(Saving, Current & Recurring Deposit)
Organisation : Octagon Technology Ltd, Madras.
Duration : Jan '96 - Mar '96
Role : Development
Team Size : 5
Using Visual Basic under MS-Windows. Highly user friendly. This system computerises the bank. It handles all the transactions like deposit, withdrawal, interest etc., and provides various reports and queries on a/c holders and their transactions. It also maintains all the necessary register and querying on petty cash balance has been provided. It also prints a detailed report about customer's whose transaction had occurred between the mentioned starting and end date.
Title : Payroll System
Organisation : Madras Computer College, Chennai.
Duration : Nov '95 - Dec '95
Role : Development
Team Size : 3
Using Visual Basic under MS-Windows. Highly user friendly. To calculate the Allowances, Deductions, Gross & Net salary. To keep the database upto date, we must be able to add, modify and delete records. Print details of one or all employees. Find any individual, searching either by name or number, select group based on either their departmentwise or gradewise.
Title : Material Control System
Organisation : Transcore Company Ltd, Chennai.
Duration : Sep '95 - Nov '95
Role : Development
Team Size : 6
Using Oracle under Unix. Highly user friendly, This system covers all inventory control activities list party list, component, workorder, finished goods and issue. Each screen is validate the input data and user friendly. Outputs are consumption's, excess consumption's, list of materials and missing materials.
Title : Marketing System
Organisation : M/s. Macmillan India Ltd, Chennai.
Duration : Jun '95 - Aug '95
Role : Development
Team Size : 6
Using Oracle under Unix. Highly user friendly. This system covers all marketing activities like master card, school visit & book details. Each screen using popup, pulldown, check boxes, user friendly and validate input data. This system has five reports like bookwise, representativewise, schoolwise, school not visitwise, new schoolwise.
Title : Integrated Personnel Information System.
Organisation : M/s. Macmillan India Ltd, Chennai.
Duration : July'94 - Sep '94
Role : Development
Team Size : 6
Using Oracle under Unix. Highly user friendly. This system has all information about each employee like name, address, age, qualifications, etc. Each screen validate the input data and are user friendly. Outputs are scalewise, branchwise, Qualificationwise.
Institutional Project : Financial Accounting System ,
M/s Macmillan India Ltd.,
Chennai ( 6 Months)
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