This page is dedicated to my two favorite friends.....
Massy and Sandy

Have you ever had a friend so special to you that you would do anything for them? That is the way I feel about my dogs, Massy and Sandy! Who else would wake me up every single morning with a bounce on my tummy and a cold nose on my cheek?

Massy will turn 3 on July 25, 1999. He is a lab/husky cross. He is black with a little snip of white on his broad chest. He entertains me with such antics as climbing in the bathtub when I have just run a bubble bath for myself! He also enjoys sitting on the couch and watching television(he likes Bobby's World the best!). His eyes are wise beyond their years, and yet, he still knows how to be the eternal puppy. My little boy tips the scales at 110 pounds.

Sandy is my little girl and weighs much less than Massy, she is only 105 pounds. She is the full twin sister of Massy. I use the term "twin" loosely here as she is the exact opposite of Massy. Where he is black, she is white. She enjoys pretending she is a lap dog and try to curl up in my lap. She loves to sleep on her back with all four legs up in the air...and if she is laying on your pillow, it is all the better for her.

Everyone should have friends that are happy to see them after a hard day at work, loves their cooking (even if it is just out of the freezer) and are just as happy to go on a midnight car ride as they are to curl up in bed and sleep for five more minutes.

I have to mention here that Sandy and Massy enjoy going to visit their "Uncle Tyke" as well as their new

"Uncle Tag". Tyke is my Mom's two year old mutt, and deserves every bit as much praise as my "kids" do! Tag is my Mom's newest addition to the house. A St. Beranard cross that is going to be bigger than all of us and is already a bigger brat!

My Grammy and Grampy are owned by a wonderful dog named Bo. He can be seen HERE. with my Mom's dogs, Tag and Tyke. Nothing like a good game of King of the House!

All of these dogs are great friends to the humans that get to see them every day. However, I would like to say, for all the love you have brought me, I say "Thank you Nanners and Bubbybutt!"

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