The Life of Riley

Contribute to Fritter's Tattoo Fund

        Hello reader!  I'm Eric Riley and welcome to my website.  As you could probably tell, it's grown quite a bit.  This page provides you with the necessary links to explore the rest of my website.  Each button will launch its section in a new window, so you will always have this page in the background.  Have fun. 

The Pagan Library GuildThe Pagan Library Guild, the archive of the former website. PLG is now dissolved, and this page is merely for information purposes.
Defiance of the DevilMy first attempt at a novel, based on my ancestor Mary Bradbury
My Book of ShadowsOkay, it's not all there yet, give it time.
LivejournalUnsubstantiated Personal Gnosis, my livejournal. A fountain of... Something...
PortfolioMasters of Library and Information Science Portfolio for the University of Washington
Reader's AdvisoryBook reviews, suggested reading lists and discussion questions for book clubs
OPACThe official cataloging manual for the Union Gospel Mission Youth Reach Out Center Library Project
Student PageMy University of Washington student website mirrored on this site
The LibraryThe original index page for this website
WritingA collection of my undergraduate writing
CostumesSome of the costumes I have made over time
PhilosophyA collection of links to philosophical resources (including my own ideas)
iFreaksThe weekend matinee movie club for Information School students
Body ArtMy tattoo (soon to be plural)
LinksLinks to various places I enjoy

Labelled with ICRA