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Welcome to


(pronounced "TASTE")

The Association Against Stupid Things

"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity."
-Martin Luther King, Jr.

Late August 1999 Edition


Welcome to T.A.A.S.T., The Association Against Stupid Things. Like Dr. King said above, nothing in the world is more dangerous than conscientious stupidity and sincere ignorance. The problem is especially severe because not only are we stupid ourselves, we are ignorant to stupidity around us! And thus, this site comes into play. We try our best to alert the public to stupid things everywhere. We are concerned people trying to do our part to lessen a problem that has always plagued humanity. Join us in our struggle! Thank you for coming to TAAST.

New visitors, and old ones alike, will be reassured to know that The Association Against Stupid Things is now a proud member of...

Athens Atrium


The Atrium is a place where the leaders of the Athens neighborhood and Geocities showcase the best sites in Athens. There a thousands on sites in Athens, and I'm am proud to have been selected for admittance into the Atrium.

In celebration, I activated a program called Project AACF in June. AACF stands for Atrium Acceptance Celebratory Facelift. Over the course of the next few months, TAAST will undergo radical changes.

As the "number one news source for human stupidity", it is my responsibility to you to make the TAAST experience as enlightening as possible for YOU, the user. Thank you for your support of my fight against stupidity.

as of August 12, 1999

Click here for the Showcase of Stupidity!

Featuring new, improved content from TAAST.

Click here to go see A Different Perspective.

Hear from fellow members and read their thoughts on stupidity and the world.

Click here to go to StupidTalk!

TAAST's official communications center!

Click here for some irrelevant links!

My short but sweet links page. Presenting some of the best stuff on the Internet.

Click here to go to The Hall of Stupidity!

An archive of previous stupidity in the spotlight.

Click here to see my Awards Page!

Hmm... I wonder what you'll find here...

Click here to join TAAST!

Become a member of best anti-stupidity society anywhere! It's free!

Click here to view the Official Member Registry

Take a look at the people who have already joined TAAST. It's free!

Coming later from The Association Against Stupid Things...

-Hopefully four more new showcases...

-More awards, perhaps?

-A chat room if I suddenly get lucky!

-TAAST Project AACF Phase Two completed!

As always, I apologize for the lateness of my update. If you're new here, please know that I try to update every month, but sometimes I just can't find the time, or the willpower, to typr HTML code. Thanks for bearing with me!

Until next time, goodbye and tell all your friends about my site!

-Admiral Alex Kim

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