Outstanding Shriner of the Year Committee 

Chairman Chief Rabban Joseph A. Hoerner
Ismailia Temple
118 Rossiter Ave.
Depew, NY 14034
( 716 ) 684-5435
Ill. Donald E. Butcher, P.P.
Ismailia Temple
5151 Webster Rd.
Fredonia, NY 14063
( 716 ) 672-4829
Ill. Raymond Clapper, Jr., P.P.
Tigris Temple
1035 W. Onondaga St.
Syracuse, NY 13204
( 315 ) 475-2417
Ill. Wallace W. Cornell, P.P.
Media Temple
Rt. 3, Box 9
Massena, NY 13662
( 315 ) 769-5982
Ill. Robert Kogler, P.P.
Tigris Temple
4911 Tenterden Dr.
Syracuse, NY 13215
( 315 ) 492-1912
Ill. Benjamin Moskowitz, P.P.
Mecca Temple
116-25 Powells Cove Blvd.
Beechurst, NY 11357
( 718 ) 767-6405
Ill. Erwin M. Newell, P.P.
Damascus Temple
416 Rawlinson Rd.
Rochester, NY 14617
( 716 ) 544-2242
E-Mail :newell17@juno.com