Welcome to Marcus the Warrior's Realm.

"Come! Come, have a look around. You are in my Castle right now, the realm consists of the Castle, the Gardens and the countryside. Enjoy your stay and feel free to explore!"

You walk past a large entranceway to find yourself in a large circular room. Blue and Purple draps almost as dark as night, thrown open to allow the sunlight in, adorn large windows at the far end of the room and on either side of the archway. to the left a large staircase Spirals up and four doors are set within the room, plus the large archway from whence you came.

Your head feels dizzy and you know not how you got here but as yoou examine the doors you learn where they lead to, if you wish to explore.

The door that appears to enter into one of the larger roons has writing on it signifying it is the Library.

Another door, it leads into a narrow Hallway

A third door says "Galleries" upon it.

The fourth and final door has Armoury scawlled across it. A guard says "You may enter."

Your other Option is up the Stairs

Perhaps you wish to see the Gardens