"Khi na`o ve^` tro+`i to^i se~ la`m mu+a hoa ho^`ng."
--Lo+`i chi. tha'nh Thie^n Sa

Prayer: St. Te^re^sa Avila. ATT di.ch.

Christ has no body now on earth but yours;
yours are the only hands with which he can do his work,
your are the only feet with which he can go about the world,
yours are the only eyes through which his
compassion can shine forth upon a troubled world.
Christ has no body on earth now but yours.

Ba^y gio+` Chu'a Kito^ kho^ng co' tha^n the^? tre^n dda^'t, ngoa.i tru+` (tha^n the^?) cu?a ba.n;
(ba`n tay) cu?a ba.n la` ba`n tay duy nha^'t ma` Nga`i co' the^? la`m co^ng vie^.c Nga`i,
(ba`n cha^n) cu?a ba.n la` ba`n cha^n duy nha^'t dde^? Nga`i co' the^? ddi vo`ng quanh the^' gio+'i
(ma('t) cu?a ba.n la` ca(.p ma('t duy nha^'t qua ddo' lo`ng ba'c a'i cu?a Chu'a co' the^? chie^'u sa'ng cho mo^.t the^' gio+'i khu?ng hoa?ng.
Chu'a Kito^ kho^ng co' tha^n the^? tre^n the^' gio+'i ba^y gio+`, ngoa.i tru+` "qua" ba.n.


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Lo+`i nguye^.n cu?a Ca DDoa`n Thie^n Sa

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Ba.n la` ngu+o+`i thu+' Since March 1, 1999

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