Hi! Welcome to the web page of Krislin Renee Lee.

Let me introduce myself. I just graduated from Hawai'i Baptist Academy last year. This coming year, I am going to be a college freshman at Harvey Mudd College. So I'm kind of in one of those transition times in life. I will possibly major in either Computer Science or Mathematics or maybe even a joint major of those two. I'm considering Computer Science because when I come to think of it, I've been programming (well sort of) ever since I was really young thanks to my brothers and the Mac World Builder program. I'm considering Mathematics because I find patterns really interesting, and I'm pretty good at doing math problems.

But I have many interests other than that. One of them is music. I enjoy singing. I like singing in groups and choirs because I enjoy harmony. I also play the piano and sort of know how to play the viola. Another one is art. I draw a lot, animals mainly. I also like to paint and mold things, but those are more time consuming so I usually end up drawing more. Writing is another one of my major interests. I enjoy stories. I do some playwriting and was able to see a couple of my plays produced which is a very exciting experience which I learned a lot from.
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Well, that's all I have for now.
Thanks for visiting! Come back soon.

If you have any comments or suggestions for me or if you have something for me to put on my website or if you want to e-mail me just because, please
e-mail me. I'll be glad to hear from you.
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