Hi! Welcome to the web page of Krislin Renee Lee.
Let me introduce myself. I just graduated from Hawai'i Baptist Academy last year. This coming year, I am going to be a college freshman at Harvey Mudd College. So I'm kind of in one of those transition times in life. I will possibly major in either Computer Science or Mathematics or maybe even a joint major of those two. I'm considering Computer Science because when I come to think of it, I've been programming (well sort of) ever since I was really young thanks to my brothers and the Mac World Builder program. I'm considering Mathematics because I find patterns really interesting, and I'm pretty good at doing math problems.
But I have many interests other than that. One of them is music. I enjoy singing. I like singing in groups and choirs because I enjoy harmony. I also play the piano and sort of know how to play the viola. Another one is art. I draw a lot, animals mainly. I also like to paint and mold things, but those are more time consuming so I usually end up drawing more. Writing is another one of my major interests. I enjoy stories. I do some playwriting and was able to see a couple of my plays produced which is a very exciting experience which I learned a lot from. |