My Stories

Backstreet Boys

Accidents Happen
Three girls meet the Backstreet Boys after an accident on the basketball court at a local park before the BSB are famous in the U.S. What happens when the girls run into them again a few years later?

Can't Go Back
Nick's best friend moves away when she's 12 years old. She comes back and surprises everyone three years later. But will things ever be the same?

Dreams Come True
One lucky girl gets the chance to tour with the Backstreet Boys as their opening act. And meets many adventures and misfortunes along the way.

A Helping Hand
Three streetwise girls are in a bit of trouble. Constantly in a bit of trouble. They always manage to drag themselves out of it, but this time around they get a little help.

Just a Song
Aria escorts her younger sister to a BSB concert. Fate, in the form of the backstage passes they possess, steps in and takes control the girls' lives.

Diary of Cydni
Cydni has been in and out of foster homes for almost half of her sixteen years. So, she's absolutely delighted when she finds out she's been adopted. Is it everything she's hoped for?

Look Ahead
My Newsies-BSB crossover! Two girls and two guys travel through time and land with the Backstreet Boys. Trying to get back proves futile and they realize they can only look towards the future.

It's Magic!
A witch tries out a new spell that goes somewhat wrong. It might just be the best thing that's ever happened to her and her sister.

Salem's been running for a year. Running from who? And who does she finally run into so she can stop running? Maybe she'll finally get her life back on track.

Harry Potter

A Legacy Left Behind
My first Harry Potter story!!! Legacy, a new fifth year at Hogwarts, holds many secrets. Some so secret, even she doesn't realize their full depth. Can she figure everything out before it's too late?

Lightning Strikes Twice
Seneca and Lucan are suddenly thrust into Voldemort's circle when their father joins the Death Eaters. On top of that, he and Lucius Malfoy arrange a marriage between Seneca and Draco! And how does Hermione tie into all of this? Each chapter told from one of four perspectives: Seneca's, Lucan's, Draco's, and Hermione's.

At the Heart of It All
My first slash! Draco manages to see how Harry really lives during the summer. Features lots of adventures, some Harry-abuse, and angsty situations. Enjoy!

Weiss Kreuz

Lights Go Out
Weiss Kreuz- Two new agents, secrets, and a team trying to cope with change...

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