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A Few Words on Sudbury Valley School
  --by Scott Gray

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I work for a School called Sudbury Valley. The school has been in operation for over twenty-five years, and several other schools around and outside the country see our school's success and are modeling their schools on ours.

The school accepts anyone from ages four and up, and is accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges to award a high school diploma (more on that later). It is a private school, which relies upon tuition (the tuition is less than half the per-pupil cost of the local public schools) and refuses grants or government money (estimated 1993 income is $413,500 of which $410,000 is from tuition, and the rest is interest income from our savings). Studies of our alumni show them to be "successful" by any criteria; most have gone on to their first choice career or college, most have a comfortable income, and (the best definition of success, in my mind) most are happy people.The physical plant is a beautiful Victorian mansion on a ten-acre campus. It is furnished like a home, with couches, easy chairs, books everywhere (rather than hidden in a library), etc.


The grounds are excellent for sport and games, and the school has several facilities; a chemistry-biology lab, a darkroom, a piano, a stereo, a pond great for fishing, several computers, etc.

Students (from age four on up) are free to do as they wish during the day, as long as they follow the school rules (more on school rules later). The campus is "open" and people may come and go as they please, without having to check with an office or other such nonsense. No one is required to attend classes and, indeed, classes are rare and bear little resemblance to the usual notion of a "class"....

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  Advice for Teens....
--by Eugene Atwood
“Why does the United States of America, the greatest democratic republic in history, the most powerful nation on earth, the model of freedom and fair play for all of man kind – why does this great nation subject it’s youth to a despotism which makes old King George III look liberal?”
-Daniel Greenberg

Drop out of school. Do it, right now. That is the best piece of advice I can give you, because dropping out can get you a lot farther in life then staying in school. I dropped out

  about 10 months ago, and I have no regrets.

I had been going to the prestigious Boston Latin School for two and a half years, which fucked me over a whole lot. I call it brain rape. The school was set up for teachers to teach, and not, definitely not, for students to learn. I grew a fierce hatred for books, and any sort of learning. I became depressed, and secluded myself from anything. School was my entire life.

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