The Lactobaccilus lattice technique under threat

(to find out more about the lactobaccilus lattice click here

This page was created to raise awareness about a serious legal threat to our spiritual practices. On November 1st 2002, we received a letter from Hans Goebbell, The European Commision inspector of fermented and coagulated dairy products, informing us that the lactobaccilus lattice technique breached European health and safety law.
COUNCIL DIRECTIVE 92/46/EEC of 16 June 1992 laying down the health rules for the production and placing on the market of raw milk, heat-treated milk and milk -based products, section 4.7 states that:
....hand operated or mechanical looms, distaffs etc. may not be used in the preparation of yogurt based products. Simply by practising Omphalloptry, we risk prosecution. We are currently petitioning the EU Minister for dairy products, Wolfgang De Gook on this subject:

We, the undersigned believe that Council Directive 92/46, on the health rules for the production and placing on the market of raw milk, heat-treated milk and milk-based products, infringes our right to freedom of spiritual expression. Yogurt preparation by means of looms, distaffs etc. is a traditional practice in many parts of the world. The strict enforcement of Directive 92/46 will force many alternative spiritual groups underground. We therefore call for directive 92/46 to be suitably ammended.

To add your name to the petition, please send us an email with your name and nationality in the text, and the words "yogurt petition" in the subject heading.

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