This year's Matriculation was held on 24th October 1998. In his report, the A g. vice-chancellor, Prof. A.K. Tuah stated that there were seven thousand Seven hundred and ninety eight (7,798) qualified applicants, out of which only two thousand and one hundred (2100) were offered admission. The University was able to offer residential accommodation to only 570 students.
Residential accommodation is no longer a reality at UST More than 3000 Out of a total student population of 8000 are non-resident. Most of these Students make do with rented accommodation at Ayigya, Ayeduase, Kotei, Gyinyasi,
and Ahinsan Estate. Although these places are close to the University, they are unsuitable for serious academic work.
At the Matriculation Ceremony, the Ag. Vice-chancellor announced that the University Council had made land available to private developers to build Hostels on campus. He assured individuals and corporate bodies that the
University Council had already approved guidelines for the acquisition of the land. We are kindly requesting you and your colleagues to help in this area of need. Teaching and Research facilities are also grossly inadequate. You may
then understand why U. S.T. was unable to admit at least half the total number of qualified applicants. In order for the University to continue to maintain its level of academic excellence, you may wish to direct your attention to
these areas of critical need facing the University.
It may interest you and your colleagues to be informed that on 24th August, 199 8, a Special Congregation of the University was held to award an Honorary Doctor of Science Degree to His Excellency Mr. Kofi Atta Annan, Secretary-General of the United Nations, at the Great Hall. In a welcome address, the Chairman of the University Council, Prof. Agyewodin Adu Gyamfi Ampem, described His Excellency as "an illustrious son of Ghana and Africa."
The Chairman further described the occasion as rare and the University could not have done better than honouring one of its own former students with the Doctor of Science Degree (honoris causa). The Chairman explained that the Special Congregation symbolised the culmination of Mr. Anna’s academic, professional and dedicated service endeavours to humanity; a sublimation of his hopes and aspirations and unalloyed service to Ghana and the international community which has characterised Mr. Anna’s career as a Public Servant par excellence. The Ag. Vice-chancellor saw the occasion as an important landmark in the annals of the University. He said he felt proud and greatly honoured to be involved in the conferment of Doctor of Science Degree (honoris causa) on the world's topmost "Scribe" and highest Civil Servant. I wish to quote the Ag. Vice-chancellor to indicate how we are proud of our past students:
"Today's event is one of which all those associated with the University of Science and Technology (Kumasi) should justly feel proud. ... The foundations of those undergraduate studies were laid in this very institution some forty years ago. This is perhaps a unique coincidence that may never occur again in the immediate future."
Touching on the problems facing the educational system in the country, the Ag. Vice-chancellor stated that the major problem was funding. He told the congregation that higher education, especially in Science and Technology, is an
expensive business, but the rewards are enormous and beneficial not only to the individual but also to the nation as a whole.
The Ag. Vice-chancellor explained that the Government alone cannot provide all the resources needed to keep the University going and that all stakeholders concerned about the future of higher education in the country should accept
the big challenge of supplementing Government's efforts.
Prof. Tuah seized the opportunity to appeal to business houses, financial institutions, benevolent organisations and capable individuals to invest in the provision, not only of student hostels, but also residential accommodation for staff. Concluding his address, the Ag. Vice-chancellor appealed to the Alumni, both at home and abroad, that UST needs the resources and inspiration to unleash its full energies to propel the wheel of socio-economic development of the country faster so as to improve the quality of life of the people. I strongly believe t hat you and your group will be highly inspired to bear the banner of
UST in y our various fields and contribute to make the University remain a place of academic excellence.
We commission you to serve as our ambassadors. We commend your efforts; continue to campaign to solicit assistance of all kinds and from everywhere. I wish you God's Blessing in your various endeavours.
Nana Osei Bonsu II (St. Gyima Kesse) The REGISTRAR