Born in the land of Ireland in 481. A young man was born with a deep rage in his heart. He realizied by the age of 15 that it was the horror known as lycanthropy. A almost commanding violent beastiallity seemed to grow and hunger within him. Untill one fatefull eve. Donivan had taken journey to visit a young lady he knewn quite intimately, yet secretly. He traveled long and fast that night ‘till the point of utter exaustion and fatique. The ill fated lad finnally reached the large cold and fearsome sight that lay in wait for him. His belove had consented to marrige with a young noble. The emotional torrment as well as that of the fatique seem to unlock all his mental barriers, thus releashing an absolute and maniacal frenzy. A total of 10 maidservants , 15 cooks, the noble, his beloved lady, 35 guardsmen, and 3 valient hounds went to a dark and sadistic death at his hands. His rage demanded full controll, and he was powerless to restrain it. Before the night was done a moderately sized army was assembled and was sent to hunt the un-fortunate lad. Still in lupine form he was able to reach his families estate before any of the rest(seeing as how they were all on heavy mount) and gain the council of his parents. After a very quick debate he decided to leave his beloved familly and homeland to the wild country side in hopes of regaining the control of his self and so as to not harm anyone else he loved so dearly. And it was then he began his long and varied path, with evil still weighing heavy on his heart