Name: Matthew
Date of Birth: 11/18/81
Astrological/Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Sex: Male(like you couldn't figure it out)
Eyes:They change naturally(honest they do)
Hair:Dish Water Blonde(more of a brown)
Shoe Size:12 EE(in combat boots)
Likes: Role-playing(Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, Vampire: The Masquarade (Live-Action), and Shadowrun just to name a few), Discussing or researching Theology, or Phillosophy, I also enjo writting or reading poetry, as well as writting stories or reading them,psychology, anything pertaining the occult, and many other varied/odd things.
Dislikes: Socialistic People, and functions(I'm excessively shy and timid), Politics & Hypocrits, Country, Rap, Pop, and Hip-hop, People who simply follow the way things are with a herd-like mentallity, and EKG's(don't ask)
Special Notes: Deep-Thinker, Melodramatic, Extreme sense of Honor, Actually Enjoys learning stuff, and has a very scolarly point of view, highly inqusitive, Not a christian or catholic, or any of the predominant relegions, is a Catharist/Theosophist, can speak some german, and has a very interesting family history.
Add on: 7 new languages writable and readable: Greek, Phoeneican(sp?), Thebean, Runic, Japanese, Egyptian, and Malachim. Working on Latin some too. Curious minds never lay idle..
Anything else you wanna know besides the fact I'm non compos mentis? lol
Just send any questions about my profile or a request for your own profile on here to my email below.