This is the begining of a section duely dubed curiosities.
For the simple fact it shall contain links to sites on information of an abnormal or out-of-the-ordinary nature.
Anything else, well could be thrown in here as well.
With me, you never can tell.
To get the preverbeal ball rolling let's begin with a fascinating topic known as Reality shifts. If you have no idea of what I'm talking about, give this site a careful read. If You have heard of such and disbelive, Well I ask you put aside such doubts and at least read the compilied information with an open mind. It is my only request; to at least give it a try. What could it hurt?
A Page filled with things from ghost stories from actual people to a plethora of supernatural or abnormal topics.
More to come in the days that follow...
And feel free to make suggestions:
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