Luang Paw Wat Pak Nam has
gained many disciples who followed his preachings and has dedicated their
efforts to the best of their abilities. His teachings have been carried
forth by his disciples who formed the Wat Pak Nam Alumni Association,
at Wat Pak Nam, Parseejarean, Bangkok. The group hopes to continue
his teachings and intention that he had at heart from the time he was alive.
The current president of the association is
Archan Treeta Nieamkom
(the lady with the white shirt on the chair)
who was elected by members,
with the majority number of votes and who had followed Luang Paw Wat Pak
Nam since childhood (13 year old) until the time Luang Paw had passed away.
Purpose of the Wat Pak Nam Alumni Assosication
The Wat Pak Nam Alumni
Association welcomes all members of the public who have a genuine interest
in Buddhism including non-members of the association, who would like to
take part in the above activities and to gain more value of life while
living in this peacful world.
building, Wat Pak Nam,
Klong, Parsrijarean District,
10160, Thailand.
public meditation 6pm, weekends/holidays 10am,1pm & 6pm
(66) 02 457 4001
Lord Buddha
Lung Paw Wat Pak Nam
fact of Thailand