Luang Paw Wat Pak Nam is a disciple of our time of Lord Buddha, who practised Lord Buddha's teachings until he succeeded in Meditation and the Intellect level.
Everyone who purify their
mind completely will become an "Enlightened one" (Pra Arahun)
and can reach Nirvana. In Nirvana, there are three levels of an "Enlightened
The first or highest is Pra
Samma Sam Buddha (Lord Buddha) who reach enlightenment by themselves
and can teach others to become an "Enlightened one".
The second is Pra Patjek
Buddha who reach enlightenment by themselves but can not teach
others because at that period creatures on earth are underdevelope.
The third is Disciple
of Lord Buddha who is enlightening by Lord Buddha teachings.
These will depend on the
individual's accumulated goodness or prestige (Baramee).
After cremation the distinctive bones and ashes of the "Enlightened one" appears transparent in a form called PraTat.
We believe that Luang Paw Wat Pak Nam had not become a Pra Arahun even though he fully understood and succeeded in all of Lord Buddha's teachings. This is because Luang Paw Wat Pak Nam had not planned to go to Nirvana after he passed away, but instead to be a Lord Buddha in the very long long distance future.
In the near future of about 10,000 years away, the next Lord Buddha is said have been destined who will be named Pra Sriaraya Metrai.
Luang Paw Wat Pak Nam was born on Friday 10th, October 1884, at Song Pee Nong district, Supanburee province, Thailand. His civilian name was Sod Meekaewnoi. He helped with family business during his younger years, but at the age of 19 years old, he decided to leave behind his normal human life and be ordained as a Buddhist priest on July 1906, at Wat Song Pee Nong. He also received a new Buddhist priest name Chantasaro Piku given by Pra Achan Dee who was a Pra Uppacha (Chief of ordain ceremony). In 1907 he went to Wat Pra Chetupol in Bangkok for studying purposes. Luang Paw Wat Pak Nam went outside of Bangkok where it was quiet and reached the Wat Bang Ku Wieng temple, Nontaburee province. At this temple he succeeded in meditation, seeing the real crystal ball, or Luang Paw proclaim that "Dhuma Kai".
Later, Luang Paw Wat Pak Nam was assigned to be an abbot at Wat Pak Nam temple, which was once a royal temple. There he further developed Wat Pak Nam and taught the Meditation and Intellect techniques to other priests and Buddhist civilians. He named his meditation method "Dhumakai" (Dhuma means Lord Buddha's preaching, and Kai means body). Luang Paw Wat Pak Nam was then promoted to Pra Racha Kana position "Pra Mongkol Teap Munee" by the King of Thailand and passed away on February 3th, 1959. His complete body corpse remains at "Haw(Tower) Song Wechanee Mongkol Tepnarumit Wat pak Nam. Open to every one who respect Lung Paw Wat Pak Nam.
Dhumakai meditation
Meditation is a method of controlling and concentrating our mind on one object. The nature of one's mind is that it will always remember, know, think, and understand. It is therefore very difficult to control one's mind or to stop it from thinking. So it is vital that we learn to discipline our body and mind.
Discipline our body and mind
Before practicing meditation,
one should learn to discipline themselves and keep by their moral standards.
They should pray, first of all clean your mind by pay respect and ask for
forgiveness from Pra Bhudha (Lord Buddha), through Pra Dhuma
(Lord Buddha's preachings), and from Pra Song (Buddhist priest),
for the wrong they may have done in the past, whether intentionally or
unintentionally. Then one should ask Pra Buddha, Pra Dhuma (Lord
Buddha's preachings), and Pra Song to enter their mind. They should
also be asking for all their goodness or prestige (Baramee) that
had accumulated in the past to support and to help them successfully achieve
their meditation practices.
Baramee 10 (prestige or
1. Devotion or Donation (Tan)
2. Precepts (Sila)
3. Ordain (Nekkuma)
4. Intellect (Panya)
5. Persistence (Wiriya)
6. Patient (Kunti)
7. Honesty (Satja)
8. Wish (Atittan)
9. Kindness (Metta)
10.Calmness (Ubegka)
Meditation Technique
Find a comfortable place on the floor. Sit down crossed-legged and place the right leg over the left leg. Bring the hands together so that the right forefinger touches the left thumb and place them on the lap. Keep the body upright and the eyes closed. If you find that this position is uncomfortable or is not suitable for you, then you may use a position that you feel comfortable with.
Focus on one object
Beginners should imagine a crystal ball starting from the first position at the nose (refer to the above diagram). For female, it will begin on the left nose and male on the right nose. Recite "Samma Arahung" (Right Enlightened One) 3 times. Then move the crystal ball to the second position at the left eye for female and the right eye for male. Again, recite "Samma Arahung" 3 times. Next, move the crystal ball to third position at the brain center and recite "Samma Arahung" 3 times. From that point, move the crystal ball to the forth position at the entrance to the upper mouth. Recite "Samma Arahung" 3 times. Follow by the fifth position at the center of neck above the Adam's apple. Recite "Samma Arahung" 3 times before moving on to the sixth position at the navel, the center of body. Recite "Samma Arahung" 3 times again and finally move the crystal ball to the seventh position by lifting 2 fingers from sixth position and recite "Samma Arahung" 3 more times.
Keep focus at the seventh
position as long as you can until you see a real crystal ball that is not
from your imagination. Now Pra Buddha (Lord Buddha), Pra Dhuma
(Lord Buddha's preachings), and Pra Song (Buddhist priest) are entering
your mind and is called
Dhumakai. You may then proceed to the Intellect
portion, which is the final state that Dhumakai can understand how
to be an "Enlightened One". As a result, all passion can be eliminated
from the mind and you can enter Nirvana with an absolutely pure mind and
stay there forever.
The Intellect
method is Wipatsana, which follows after one succeeds in
meditation and can understand how to practise it. The Wipatsana
in Buddhism consist of 32 ways.
For more details, please contact Wat Pak Nam.
building, Wat Pak Nam,
Klong, Parsrijarean District,
10160, Thailand.
(66) 02 457 4001
The Wipatsana building Wat Pak Nam
is open to public for daily meditation practices from 6pm-7pm;
and during the weekends and Thai government
holidays from 10am-11am, 1pm-2pm, and 6pm-7pm,
free of charge.
Lord Buddha
Wat Pak Nam Alumni Association
fact of Thailand
Authority of Thailand
building, Wat Pak Nam,
Klong, Parsrijarean District,
10160, Thailand.
public meditation 6pm, weekends/holidays 10am,1pm & 6pm
(66) 02 457 4001