It seems everybody's got one. I want one too. As supreme ruler (read: WEBMASTER) of my own little domain, I offer my own set of interesting links. Caveat lector: I am an eclectic person and the links presented here do not hold a theme. So here they are in no particular order (and don't leave my world here without browsing my own stuff!) The web is a place where change is constant. Some of my fav places -- now gone. Oh well. Nothing good to add only delete. Last updated: July 31, 2002

The Onion

Another fantasic satire site. Takes the obvious, embellishes it to make for great irony. One of the few sites on the web that has me in tears.

The Smoking Gun

This page offers original documents on such things as Elvis Presley's death certificate to The White Star Line's memos on the Titanic sinking. It really serves to satisfy your voyeristic appetite.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary On-Line

On-line dictionary. Sounds boring, it's not. Has word-games and other neat stuff for the philologist.

Brunching Shuttlecocks

Don't ask me what the title means! It's a comedy page with satire, parody and for those children of the 80's (such as I). The authors use many nostalic references to shitty cartoons, breakfast cereals, etc. of the day that we all have forgotten but somehow were lodged deep in our subconscious. Lot's of material to page through.

Marymount College

My school's home page. A strange loyalty to it prompts me to put it here.

Seton Hall University

My graduate school's homepage. Oh yeah, you may of heard of their little basketball team.

The Papers of Martin Luther King Jr.

What can I say about this great man. The "I Have A Dream" speech here and other papers. Great stuff that makes you glad your a human and sad that its all still a dream.

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