Reclining Dragon Picture


"It is better to sit in the back row and be discovered than to sit in the front row and be found out"

--Irwin Rosen
G's Thought of the Day Picture12/31/02 Few hours to go until 2003. Reviewed my web-sites (having been in grad school for 2 years and wrote a large thesis, have NOT been paying much attention to my web-sites. Noticed that I wrote ONLY one thought-of-the-day in 2001, and ONLY one for 2002. Thought: will try harder to do TOTD, but more embarrassed by the misspellings I have in this site! Though to self: try to fix by 2004!

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I update this page when I get the chance so return and you will see new stuff added. Original fiction, lots of quotes and whatever else I think of.

Available for your perusing pleasure:

Dragon Bar Separator

So I'm a philosophic type of person. When pondering this, I have the strange feeling that I have been brain-washed by Western thought. I mean REASON enters every phase of my life. Don't get me wrong, this reasoning is well-balanced with creativity. It's not as if I'm an accountant or anything strangely perverse like that. If you are a pondering type of person also, maybe you will enjoy the following; it's heavy, man.


  1. The delusion that personal gain is made by crushing others.
  2. The tendency to worry about things that cannot be changed or corrected.
  3. Insisting that a thing is impossible because we cannot accomplish it.
  4. Refusing to set aside trivial differences.
  5. Neglecting development and refinement of the mind, and not acquiring the habit of reading and studying.
  6. Attempting to compel others to believe and live as we do.

Dragon Bar Separator

Alright so what's up with the dragons? Simply: I like them. Dragons have always seemed intellectually cool to me. Remember Smaug with Bilbo? I mean that's a cool dragon. And no, I am not some weird fantasy freak that hides in my basement with other freaks and plays D&D all night. This might help explain my e-mail address, which is pronounced Draco-G not "dray-cog". 'Nuff said: go explore my links and enjoy!

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REMEMBER: All original writing contained within the domain of my web pages is copyrighted by me. If you want to use any, let me know via e-mail and credit the author properly. If you plagarize, I shall be content knowing it will haunt your conscious and affect your karma.

This Web Site last updated: January 1, 2003

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