"It is better to sit in the back row and be discovered than to sit in the front row and be found out"
--Irwin Rosen
I update this page when I get the chance so return and you will see new stuff added. Original fiction, lots of quotes and whatever else I think of.
Available for your perusing pleasure:
So I'm a philosophic type of person. When pondering this, I have the strange feeling that I have been brain-washed by Western thought. I mean REASON enters every phase of my life. Don't get me wrong, this reasoning is well-balanced with creativity. It's not as if I'm an accountant or anything strangely perverse like that. If you are a pondering type of person also, maybe you will enjoy the following; it's heavy, man.
Alright so what's up with the dragons? Simply: I like them. Dragons have always seemed intellectually cool to me. Remember Smaug with Bilbo? I mean that's a cool dragon. And no, I am not some weird fantasy freak that hides in my basement with other freaks and plays D&D all night. This might help explain my e-mail address, which is pronounced Draco-G not "dray-cog". 'Nuff said: go explore my links and enjoy!
REMEMBER: All original writing contained within the domain of my web pages is copyrighted by me. If you want to use any, let me know via e-mail and credit the author properly. If you plagarize, I shall be content knowing it will haunt your conscious and affect your karma.
This Web Site last updated: January 1, 2003
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