The Snowy Forest
- Hi, and welcome to The Snowy Forest where I, Emily (AKA Stellar84) have stashed all my poetry. Why the title "The Snowy Forest"? Because a Snowy Forest is a very calm and tranquil setting, the perfect place, I feel, to both compose and read poetry. The layout here is simple because what I have here are words, and the words are to paint images in your mind. If you aren't in the mood for poetry, then you might want to consider my main site which is full of fantasy, anime, and my other interests.
- The poetry is split up into three sections: Titles A-M, Titles N-Z, and Depressive. If you don't like things that talk about the darker side of life, you may want to stay away from that section.
- I haven't put up anything new in a while, but I promise I will soon. I also happened to accidently overlap the old site with a test index.html I was working on, which is why the format is a little different. Please bear with me in the meantime, and feel free to explore wherever your heart desires.