Ingunn's Bookshelf
A list of my favourite poets and authors, with interesting links.

"Don't be afraid of death so much as an inadequate life." - Bertolt Brecht (1898-1956)


Isabel Allende
Isabel Allende: Books, Roots, Curiosities

W.H. Auden
Funeral Blues - A poem by W.H. Auden
The W.H. Auden Society

Jane Austen
Jane Austen Information Page
Jane Austen Website


Samuel Beckett
The Samuel Beckett On-Line Resources and Links Page

Jens Bjørneboe
Jens Bjørneboe in English

Karin Boye
Karin Boye Society
Karin Boye - Dikter(only in Swedish)

Charles Bukowski
Charles Bukowski - Poems
Buk's page
"These Words I Write Keep Me From Total Madness"


Joseph Conrad
Resources for the Study of Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness
Heart of Darkness

e.e. cummings
An unofficial e.e. cummings. startingpoint.


Marguerite Duras
Marguerite Duras: "The unspeakable, she said...."
Marguerite Duras home page


Oriana Fallaci
Oriana Fallaci: Words, Power and Style


Jean Genet 
Saint Genet
Jean Genet Page

Alan Ginsberg
Alan Ginsberg: Ashes & Blues

Trygve Gulbranssen
Buy "Beyond Sing the Woods" From today!


Olav Hauge
Olav H. Hauge - Artikler og anmeldelser (only in Norwegian)
"Det er den draumen"(a poem, in Norwegian and English)

Ernest Hemingway
Timeless Hemingway

Vera Henriksen
Vera Henriksen - Artikler og anmeldelser (only in Norwegian)

John Irving
A very unofficial John Irving page
A Prayer for Owen Meany Interactive Resource


Rolf Jacobsen 
Rolf Jacobsen - Artikler og anmeldelser (only in Norwegian)


Franz Kafka
Constructing Franz Kafka
The Castle home page
Franz Kafka Pictures Photo Album
Existentialism and Franz Kafka by Katharena Eiermann

Milan Kundera
Milan Kundera (1929- )
Milan Kundera, The Unbearable Lightness of Being and Prague
Milan Kundera Quotes


Pär Lagerkvist 
Pär Lagerkvist (only in Swedish)

Primo Levi
Primo Levi

Astrid Lindgren
Astrid Lindgren appreciation site
The unofficial Astrid Lindgren Homepage

Erlend Loe
Erlend Loe - Artikler og anmeldelser (only in Norwegian)
Erlend Loes side (only in Norwegian)


Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Macondo: A Gabriel Garcia Marquez Web Site

Stein Mehren
Stein Mehren - Artikler og anmeldelser (only in Norwegian)



Sylvia Plath
Lucy's Sylvia Plath Page

Chaim Potok 
Chaim Potok: Author Spotlight 
Chaim Potok: The Chosen 
Chaim Potok: Novelist, Philosopher, Historian, Theologian, Playwright, Artist, Editor 



Ayn Rand
The Ayn Rand Institute
Ayn Rand Society
Objectivism Today
Ayn Rand Says...
The Unlikeliest Cult in History

Erich Maria Remarque
Erich Maria Remarque (1898-1970)

Arundhati Roy
The Arundhati Roy Web
The End of Imagination by Arundhati Roy
Arundhati Roy: A Life full of Beginnings and no Ends


Antoine-Marie-Roger de Saint-Exupery 
Antoine-Marie-Roger de Saint-Exupery: Pilot, Poet, Man 

Vikram Seth
Vikram Seth: A Profile

Anne Sexton
Anne Sexton's Poems
Anne Sexton's Shrine
The Anne Sexton Bibliography
Anne Sexton

Hal Sirowitz
An Unofficial Web Page of Hal Sirowitz links
Three Poems by Hal Sirowitz

Art Spiegelman
The man behind Maus
MAUS Resources on the web

John Steinbeck
John Steinbeck Page

Edith Södergran
Oskuldsögon & Tigerfläckar  - Edith Södergran (only in Swedish)


Märta Tikkanen 
Famous Finns: Märta Tikkanen
Buy the wonderful "The Love Story of the Century" from today!


Haldis Moren Vesaas
Halldis Moren Vesaas - Artikler og anmeldelser (only in Norwegian)

Kurt Vonnegut 
A Tribute to Kurt Vonnegut
Kurt Vonnegut: The Vonnegut Web


Robert Steven Waller
The Bridges of Madison County

Fay Weldon
Fay Weldon
Fay Weldon. Interviews and Articles.

Eli Wiesel
Children Survivors of Buchenwald
In Association with
In Association with