As they become available, I will post bulletins, and online petitions, focussing on environmental, social, and political activism. We live in very troubled times, and I feel that many of these causes Diana herself would strongly support. Remember, if we're not part of the solution we become part of the problem.

***17th November 1999***

This in from my friend Kristi. Have a look, and take some action.

Normally I do not forward many things however this disgusts me. If animals don't have people like us...who will speak for them? All you have to do is add your name to the bottom and then forward it on to your friends, colleagues and family.....


Sign your name to the bottom - if you aren't sure whether or not you want to sign, go to the website and look at the pictures - you will sign, I'm sure. And forward to whoever you can think of.

WARNING !!! This is a very disturbing website to view, with graphic pictures. You DO NOT have to view this website to sign the petition. The story isn't easy to read either but your signature is very important.

Please pass the petition on to other lists and personal contacts.

Thank you.

There is a crisis of epidemic proportion happening under the bright Spanish sun. Dogs, the giving, loving best friend and companion to man from ancient times, are being slaughtered in the thousands. After torturous treatment in training for hunting or racing, these noble dogs, with a lineage that can betraced back to the Pharaohs, are systematically destroyed in the most horrific and inhumane ways any perverse human is capable of imagining.

Hunting and racing dogs are routinely hung to dispose of them at the end of the racing season. Others are chained with metal cylinders wedged in their mouths to prevent them from barking, drinking or eating. After days of excruciating agony, they die alone and in unimaginable pain. Others are chained in the path of incoming tides, drowning in an agony of fear and panic.

Such cruelty and inhumanity to mans best and oldest friend is unthinkable and intolerable to all caring people. It is a mere step from such treatment of animals to other helpless humans; women, children elderly. All in the name if expediency. We who have knowledge of this terrible and heinous situation are attempting to alert the entire world to the crisis.

We ask you to sign this petition and pass it along to all concerned and humane peoples throughout the world. This abuse MUST be stopped.

This petition will ultimately be forwarded to the Queen of Spain, Spanish government, TV and newspapers. Hopefully these efforts will bring this horrendous situation to public light and be the impetus for legislation outlawing the cruel and torturous way in which these noble animals are routinely destroyed. A human outcry in the largest proportions is all that can end this crisis. Go here for more information: http://animals.de.gs/=20

If you will add your voice by signing this petition and giving your first and last name, city and country and then passing this along to all those you think might want to add their voice to the building outcry,it can only aid in the ultimate goal of bringing this to an end.

When the signatures have reached the 200 mark, please send this petition to: hunde.in.not@bluemail.ch=20

1. Trudie Nelson, Crown Point, IN,USA
2. Jean Jones, Hollywood, FL, USA
3. Jan Clarke, Australia
4. Victoria King, Orlando, FL, USA
5. Rhonda Gale, Orlando, FL, USA
6. Helen Burnside, Orlando, FL, USA
7. Willie Olsen, Longwood, FL,USA
8. Brigette Gillespie, Kansas City, MO, USA
9. Stephen W. Dunn, Branford, CT, USA
10. Debbie Dunn, East Haven, CT, USA
11. Patricia Dunn, Ithaca, NY, USA
12. iris mosher, stony brook, ny usa
13. Lisa Guida Hamden, Ct (USA),
14. Joan Cronan - East Haven, Ct (USA),
15. Karen Bergeron - New Haven CT (USA)
16. Renee Bickford - Branford Ct (USA)
17. Orena Falco - East Haven Ct (USA)
18. Jo Giannelli - New Haven Ct (USA)
19. Andy Giannelli - New Haven Ct (USA)
20. Tony Esposito -North Haven Ct (USA)
21. Wilson Sweeney - Branford Ct (USA)
22. Margo Sweeney - Branford Ct (USA)
23. Bernadette Riccio -Clinton Ct (USA)
24. Bernadette Welsh - Hamden Ct (USA)
25. Donna Schneider - Hamden Ct (USA)
26. David Pecoraro - Hamden Ct (USA)
27. Ken Mitchell - Orange Ct (USA)
28. Tom Gervais - Cheshire Ct (USA)
29. Barbara Gervais - Cheshire Ct (USA)
30. David Gervais - Cheshire Ct (USA)
31. Janet Bury - New Haven Ct (USA)
32. Henry Bergeron - New Haven CT (USA)
33. Bob Leone - East Haven Ct (USA)
34. Phylis Leone - East Haven Ct (USA)
35. Carmella Cofrancesco - East Havven Ct (USA)
36. Anne Morro - North Haven Ct (USA)
37. Fred Morro - North Haven Ct (USA)
38. Laura Esposito - Branford Ct (USA)
39. Hoyt Sweeney - Branford Ct (USA)
40. Steve Shraeder - Stamford Ct (USA)
41. Tom Brouillard - Niantic Ct (USA)
42. Susan Brouillard - Niantic Ct (USA)
43. Terri Shumsky, Paso Robles, Cal (USA)
44. Cherry Grobler, Kosmos, South Africa
45. George Grobler, Kosmos, South Africa
46. Muriel Joubert, Gauteng, South Africa
47. Chris Joubert, Gauteng, South Africa
48. Regula Stroppel, Isington, Hampshire, UK
49. Stefan Stroppel, Isington, Hampshire, UK
50. Sibyl Z|nd, Oberehrendingen, Switzerland
51. Peter Spvrri, Oberehrendingen, Switzerland
52. Josefine Z|nd, Pugerna, Switzerland
53. Caroline Peter, Zurich, Switzerland
54. Naika Camenisch, Zurich Switzerland
55. Astrid Detering - Windhoek, Namibia
56. Arlette Kalvelagen - Windhoek, Namibia
57. Hanlie Loubser - Windhoek, Namibia
58. Retha Lambrechts - Windhoek, Namibia
59. Martin Koekemoer - Windhoek, Namibia
60. Vicki van der Riet - Durban South Africa
61. Charlotte Olivier - Cape Town, South Africa
62. Kim Friskin - Cape Town, South Africa
63. Justine Tasker - Cape Town, South Africa
64. Guy Neveling, Cape Town, South Africa
65. Valerie Dickson Cape Town,South Africa
66. Tracey Pace, Cape Town, South Africa
67. Lisa Rynhoud, Cape Town, South Africa
68. Diane Peterson, Cape Town, South Africa
69. Noeline van den Berg, Johannesburg, Cape Town
70. Donna-Rae Taoussanis, Johannesburg, South Africa
71. Katya Karawani, London, U.K.
72. Debbie Knocker, Johannesburg, South Africa
73. Craig Knocker, Johannesburg, South Africa
74. Tanya Gurnell, Johannesburg, South Africa
75. Tammy Gordon, Johannesburg, South Africa
76. Leanne F, Johannesburg, South Africa
77. Terri K, Johannesburg, South Africa
78. Debbie Yutar, South Africa
79. Marisol Campos, South Africa
80. Celeste Morisset, South Africa
81. Claire Morgan, South Africa
82. Babis Gakis, London, England (ex Cape Town,South Africa)
83. Paul Greenberg, Cape Town, South Africa
84. clive baggaley
85. kerrey baggaley
86. Robbie Tripp, Cape Town, South Africa.
87. Paul Chilton, Cape Town ,South Africa
88. Malcolm Hecks, Guildford, UK.
89. David Hancocks, Melbourne, Australia.
90. Lisa Wathne, Seattle, WA USA
91. Stephanie Bell, Seattle, WA USA
92. Beth Gordon, Lynnwood, WA USA
93. Phyllis Merwick, Seattle, WA USA
94. Michael Merwick, Seatle, WA USA
95. Bob Merwick, Tokyo, Japan
96. Jana Merwick, Bainbridge Island, WA USA
97. Megan Lantry, Redmond, WA USA
98. Jakki Kriener, Seattle, WA USA
99. Kevin Merwick, New York, NY USA
100. Amy Berry, Bellevue, WA USA
101. Audry Wilson, Tampa Florida, USA
102. Shon Smith, Seattle, WA USA
103. Eric Garcia, Seattle, WA USA
104. Britta Ambauen, Bainbridge Island, WA USA
105. Dylan Ambauen, Bainbridge Island, WA USA
106. Dave Ambauen, Bainbridge Island, WA USA
107. Kelsy Merwick, Bothell, WA USA
108. Sophie Merwick, Bothell, WA USA
109. Patti Merwick, Bothell, WA USA
110. Jennifer Hall, Seattle, WA USA
111. Steve Gordon, Redmond, WA USA
112. Katie Merwick, Bellevue, WA USA
113. Judi A. Sisson, Corpus Christi, TX (USA)
114. Debra D. Linn, Rockford, Ohio (USA)
115. Margaret Byrd, Olive Branch, MS (USA)
116. Sandhi Rogerson, Rockmart, GA, USA
117. Harry Kruger, Rockmart, GA, USA
118. Judy Reens,Concord Ca USA
119. Dennis Tracy Concord Ca, USA
120. Louis Reens, Dallas, TX, USA
121. Missy Parker, RVN, Oak Leaf, TX, USA
122. Fran Tardif, Woolwich, Maine
123. Marcia Lindsey, Phippsburg, Maine
124. Karen Thurlow-Kimball, Yarmouth, Maine USA
125. Penny Case, Springfield, Tennessee USA
126. F. Lynne Bachleda, Fairview, TN, USA
127. Raye Dene Berry, Nashville, TN, USA
128. Diana Klein, Nashville, TN USA
129. Ann Cox,Nashville, TN USA
130. Vanessa Parker-Davis, Nashville, TN USA
131. Cheryl Horkoff, Nashville, TN USA
132. R. Behrman, Nashville, TN USA
133. Logan Bosemer, Nashville, TN USA
134.Schuyler Smith,Houston,TX. USA
135. Amy Childs, Houston, TX USA
136. Amy Reynolds, Denton, TX USA
137. Kassandra Alexandros, San Antonio, TX USA

Cheryl Horkoff Manager, Production and Business & Legal Affairs
615-846-9196 Fax

***23rd January 1999***

This was sent to me by my friend Michael, quite recently. I cannot stress the grave importance of taking action to help our Sisters, who are currently living under torturous, even murderous, conditions in lands where a raped woman or girl-child is imprisonned, the attacker left free and often praised by the community. Sadly many of our Sisters have been corrupted to the paternalistic viewpoint and have become traitors to their own gender.

This was most evident in a report by Diane Sawyer airing last night on "20/20" which documented the wholesale slaughter of women deemed "sexually unpure" by their fathers and brothers, who themselves were quite proud of having carried out the atrocities and felt no remorse. One Mother praised her son's crime, agreeing with her daughter's murder before two yonger daughters present. Dear Gaea, this has to stop. I implore you in the name of Athena, in the names of your own Gods, please help put an end to this. The human race cannot move forward as ONE so long as one half of it subjugates and holds in terror the other. By all that is sacred, I implore you.

Please read this, sign it, and send it on.

This is a human rights petition sent to me by a friend. It is very much NOT JUNK MAIL - Just something very provokative to read. It is suggested one CUT & PASTE the petition, add their name to the list and passes it on to their email correspondents, if they feel compelled to act in the slightest way for the people(s) described here:

The Taliban's War on Women

Please Sign at the bottom to support and include your town. If you receive this list with more than 50 names on it, please email a copy of it to sarabande@brandeis.edu Even if you decide not to sign, please be considerate and do not kill the petition. Thank you. It is best to copy rather than forward the petition.

   Melissa Buckheit,

Brandeis University

   The government of Afghanistan is waging a war upon women.

The situation is getting so bad that one person in an editorial of the Times compared the treatment of women there to the treatment of Jews in pre-Holocaust Poland. Since the Taliban took power in 1996, women have had to wear burqua and have been beaten and stoned in public for not having the proper attire, even if this means simply not having the mesh covering in front of their eyes.

   One woman was beaten to DEATH by an angry mob of fundamentalists for accidentally exposing her arm while she was driving. Another was stoned to death for trying to leave the country with a man that was not a relative.

Women are not allowed to work or even go out in public without a male relative; professional women such as professors, translators, doctors, lawyers, artists and writers have been forced from their jobs and stuffed into their homes, so that depression is becoming so widespread that it has reached emergency levels.

There is no way in such an extreme Islamic society to know the suicide rate with certainty, but relief workers are estimating that the suicide rate among women, who cannot find proper medication and treatment for severe depression and would rather take their lives than live in such conditions, has increased significantly. Homes where a woman is present must have their windows painted so that she can never be seen by outsiders. They must wear silent shoes so that they are never heard. Women live in fear of their lives for the slightest misbehavior. Because they cannot work, those without male relatives or husbands are either starving to death or begging on the street, even if they hold Ph.D.'s.

There are almost no medical facilities available for women, and relief workers, in protest, have mostly left the country, taking medicine and psychologists and other things necessary to treat the sky-rocketing level of depression among women.

At one of the rare hospitals for women, a reporter found still, nearly lifeless bodies lying motionless on top of beds, wrapped in their burqua, unwilling to speak, eat or do anything, but are slowly wasting away. Others have gone mad and were seen crouched in corners, perpetually rocking or crying, most of them in fear. One doctor is considering, when what little medication that is left finally runs out, leaving these women in front of the president's residence as a form of peaceful protest. It is at the point where the term 'human rights violations' have become an understatement.

Husbands have the power of life and death over their women relatives, especially their wives, but an angry mob has just as much right to stone or beat a woman, often to death, for exposing an inch of flesh or offending them in the slightest way.

David Cornwell has told me that we in the United States should not judge the Afghan people for such treatment because it is a 'cultural thing', but this is not even true. Women enjoyed relative freedom, to work, dress generally as they wanted, and drive and appear in public alone until only 1996 -- the rapidity of this transition is the main reason for the depression and suicide; women who were once educators or doctors or simply used to basic human freedoms are now severely restricted and treated as sub-human in the name of right-wing fundamentalist Islam. It is not their tradition or 'culture', but is alien to them, and it is extreme even for those cultures where fundamentalism is the rule. Besides, if we could excuse everything on cultural grounds, then we should not be appalled that the Carthaginians sacrificed their infant children, that little girls are circumcised in parts of Africa, that blacks in the deep south in the 1930's were lynched, prohibited from voting and forced to submit to unjust Jim Crow laws.

Everyone has a right to a tolerable human existence, even if they are women in a Muslim country in a part of the world that Americans do not understand.

If we can threaten military force in Kosovo in the name of human rights for the sake of ethnic Albanians, Americans can certainly express peaceful outrage at the oppression, murder and injustice commited against women by the Taliban.



In signing this, we agree that the current treatment of women in Afghanistan is completely UNACCEPTABLE and deserves   support and action by the people of the United States and the U.S. Government and that the current situation overseas will not be tolerated. Women's Rights is not a small issue anywhere and it is UNACCEPTABLE for women in 1998 to be treated as sub-human and so much as property. Equality and human decency is a RIGHT not a freedom, whether one lives in Afghanistan or the United States.


1) Leslie London, Cape Town, South Africa 2) Tim Holtz, Boston, USA 3) Jennifer Kasper, Boston, MA, USA 4) Ali Noorani, Boston, MA 5) Juli-Ann Carlos, Boston, MA, USA 6) Elaine Alpert, MD, Boston, MA USA 7) Diane Morse, MD, Rochester, NY 8) Mark Winsberg, MD, Rochester, NY 9) Elizabeth Hirsh, Rochester, NY 10) Ellen Goldstein, Rochester, NY 11) Kathryn Fiske, Rochester, NY 12) David H. Hunt, Seattle, WA 13) Dan Freeman, Kent, WA 14) Sheryl Allen, Bellevue, WA 15) Larry Allen, Bellevue, WA 16) Nancy Kahn, Seattle, WA 17) Jim Ekberg, Olga, WA 18) Carol Summers, Seattle, WA 19) Ken Jenkins, Petaluma, CA 20) Daniel B. Holeman, San Rafael, CA 21) Patti Greenwood, Gainesville, FL 22) Julie E. Johnson, Melrose, FL 23) David Beede, Melrose, FL 24) Kenn Thomas, St. Louis, MO 25) Robert F. Tatman, Jenkintown, PA 26) Terry A. Irish, Jenkintown, PA 27) Philip G. Anthony, Roslyn, Pa. 28) Chloe Flynn, Northfeild, MN 29) Ange Thielke, Middleton, WI 30) Anna Lindgren-Streicher, Middleton, WI 31) Lisa Farwell, Concord, NH 32) EC Cummings, Concord, NH 33) Moira Cahill, Suffield, CT 34) Allison Ball, Windsor, CT 35) Matt Tuozzoli, Fairfield CT 36) Erin Morgaine, Marshfield, VT 37) Dorothy Singleton, East Calais, VT 38) Heather Purvee, Buies Creek, NC 39) Miko, Austin, TX