News & Updates
***26th October, 2000***
Hello everyone! I'm pleased to have some very good news to report this go-round, much of which has already been covered by my friend Clint Stanley of The WonderDome. The prayers of many longtime followers of Diana have at long last been answered and this autumn will bring more attention to the "Wonder Woman" than she has seen since the much lauded 1986 relaunch by George Perez.

First off we are only weeks away from the first issue of the already highly acclaimed Phil Jimenez run beginning with November's Wonder Woman # 164. Let me just thank Phil for the massive promotional campaign he has mounted, including many online interviews, pushing Diana to the fore in a way that would make the late Myndi Mayer proud. In just a short span of time this guy has done more to promote Diana than DC ever has. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Phil! It feels great to have someone coming aboard who really gets who Diana is and what she's all about.

To reiterate a point that Phil has constantly made, his run will not be a throwback to 1986, but rather push Diana and the rest of her supporting cast forward, challenging many of us in the process. I have been lucky enough to communicate directly with the guy myself, and I can tell you he has some stellar plans for Diana which will only further the momentum begun by George Perez (sadly dropped by later creators) and bring a missing element back to the monthly title: growth. It is most appropriate that Phil will be the creator guiding Diana throughout the year of her 60th anniversary as "Wonder Woman". Next to Mr. Perez, he is one of the kindest people I have met in comics, and deeply cares about the feelings and perceptions of Diana's followers.
To be fair, though, he has a heraklean task before him (thanks largely to the messes created by Loebs, Byrne, and Luke - really? Diana didn't know that she had a soul or free will? Seems that would have been most apparent to her throughout the whole of her existence. And no disrespect to the late Mr. Kirby, but I wasn't paying to read "The Jack Kirby Follies". Will Mr. Byrne be issuing refunds for our money wasted on his obsession?) and unlike way too many previous "creators" on the book he has chosen not to invalidate what has transpired since George left the title in 1991 incorporating many of the changes (some rather hackneyed) into a more solid, cohesive, whole. Kudo's Phil!
Btw, should anyone want the truth behind what led George Perez to leave his beloved Diana to the dubious care of DC...and the role that the corporate sharks and one editor in particular played in the scheme of things, post a message asking about it on the DC "WonderWoman" boards and your sure to get a response. It's not a secret to those of us who have been with Diana over the longhaul.
Though DC may have an arrangement with the Marston Estate giving them the "right" to publish and market her, it is we who own Diana in our very hearts, as pointed out by Gloria Steinem in the 1995 introduction she penned for the tiny folio book of "Wonder Woman" covers. Nothing and no one can ever take Diana from us. Sully her they may, but is is we who know her better than the lot of them. Perhaps some of us should be working in the "Wonder Woman" offices at DC?

Okay, enough soap-box, onto more of the fun stuff! "Wonder Woman: The Complete History" has finally been released. The mass market edition available reasonably priced from Amazon.com features a dustjacket bearing the distinctive H.G. Peter art with stunning paintings by the great Alex Ross adorning the hardcovers beneath. Reportedly, it does contain some factual errors, and pays little attention to one of the most important periods in Diana's evolution, the modern era, which hopefully will be corrected for future editions.
The Previews Exclusive, released to comic shops last Wednesday, is sans the Ross covers with only the Peter art, though it does come with 16 pages of covers not featured elsewhere.

There is also to be an edition exclusive to the Warner Bros. Studio Stores retailing for $150 which includes a lovely black and white lithograph by the talented Alex Ross depicting Diana's first meeting with Steve Trevor in 1942. A bit on the pricey side for me, but surely worth having! Lastly there is one feature of note which should come as a thrill to followers of Diana in her myriad incarnations: Lynda Carter, the woman who brought Diana to life for an entire generation, has contributed the introduction to the book. This is very touching as Lynda has embodied Diana in so many respects, and serves even today as a great source of inspiration for many children and adults alike in her portrayal of the Amazon Princess who has taught us by example, much like her comic counterpart, that we can not only help ourselves but choose to be better people, and have a positive effect on the world around us in that transformation. You've done yourself, Diana, and the rest of us proud, Lynda. Gaea be with you, Sister.

Additionally, the Lifetime cable network has recently done an excellent Intimate Portrait featuring Lynda which briefly touches upon her tenure as "Wonder Woman". It can be seen in reruns and will hopefully soon be available on home video as are many of the series other segments.
I hope many of you have been saving your money for the other goodies to come over the fall and spring. DC Direct will be realeasing a statue of Diana based on the cover to Wonder Woman # 172. Based on an initial design by Brian Bolland, who provided the sculptor,Tim Bruckner, with drawings from every angle to bring the statue as close to third dimension as possible. At a hefty $195 this promises to be the most stunningly beautiful piece produced on Diana yet. Look for it in December at your local comic shops.

Close to the same time, if not sooner, given the recent rescheduling of product by DC Direct, will be a Golden Age "Wonder Woman" action figure! She is lovely beyond belief, and despite an apparent lack of poseability, does come wearing the star-spangled skirt Diana left Themyskira in...with her later shorts worn underneath. This is a dream come true for this fan and many others. However, it is unclear whether it is Diana or her mother, Queen Hippolyte, clad in the patriotic 1940's garb. Given that she comes with a sword and shield (as used by Queen Hippolyte in her time as "Wonder Woman") I'm betting on the latter.

Now if they would only redo the sculpt and re-release the modern era Diana. It should be pointed out that unnamed sources at DC Direct are reported to have said that 2001 will see the release of a 2-pack consisting of Diana (era uncomfired) and the long-awaited Donna Troy clad in her famous red Wonder Girl jumpsuit.

Spring will bring a wave entitled "Amazons and Adversaries" comprised of Artemis, Lord Ares, and The Cheetah! Could Circe (the Perez version, not the knock-off Christopher Priest "gangsta witch") with Dr. Psycho as a bonus - honestly he is way too small to be charged full price for! - be all that far behind? Only time, and an enthusiaistic fan response, will help to determine that. Diana is all set for a rocking 60th Anniversary and I am going to be one happy "Wonder Scout" when all is said and done. :)
***9th February 1999***
Once more it falls to me to be the bearer
of ill tidings. Recently I posted information given
me by my friend Clint Stanley regarding the upcoming
"WONDER WOMAN" movie. Unfortunately, though not
without some small amount of surprise, things have
taken a turn for the worse. Perhaps John Byrne, Jon
Peters, and Joel Schumacher have united in some dark
pact to sully and destroy DC's "Big Three."
Clint sent me the e-mail below which he received from
James Harnock this afternoon. The news has left me
somewhat numb. After the disappointment over NBC's
badly conceived 1998 WW series, I actually had hopes
that Diana's story would finally be realized on the
big screen. More and more I am coming to believe that
if Diana's message is to be spread at all, it will be
through our own words and deeds. How else would Diana
want it?
May The Glory of Gaea Be With You,
-Kassandra Alexandros
Subject: Open Letter to WW Fans
Date: Tue, Feb 9, 1999, 1:06pm (CST-2)
Dear Wonder Woman fans,
First off, Eve and I would like to thank you all for
the support you have given us this year. It's really
meant a lot to us to have so much support from people
we've never met on a story they've never read, and we
sincerely hope the new Wonder Woman feature film will
live up to all of your expectations.
Unfortunately, it will have to do so without us. Eve
and I are no longer involved with the Wonder Woman
feature film project. When we submitted our final
treatment in January (a treatment is a detailed
screenplay outline), we were confident in our story
-- and we still are -- however we know that things
change by the second in Hollywood and things did
change with this project. Between our January
submission and today, Ivan Reitman stepped down as
producer to stay on as director and John Peters
became producer. As many of you know, Mr Peters is
the man responsible for the Superman Reborn
Knowing what Superman's first screenwriter Kevin
Smith went through with Mr Peters, I have to admit
that Eve and I were a bit worried. After all,
according to Smith the man is known for putting
action figure sales first and story second. After
promising Wonder Woman fans that we would not be
doing a market-driven Xena rip-off, we weren't
entirely confident that the project we had promised
would ever materialize given the current
circumstances... and our treatment was exactly as we
had promised -- a straight action/adventure film. I
know some of you out there have managed to get ahold
of the treatment somehow, so you know we're not full
of it when we say that.
Various sources stated that we had actually finished
the screenplay, which is not true. We have indeed
been writing it, but we are far from finished...
which I suppose is a good thing seeing as we won't be
getting paid for it now :) However, we have
decided to finish it in our spare time, and in the
future possibly release it to you the fans just as a
thank you.
So who's writing the script now? We haven't a clue.
Thanks to all of you, and I hope the film is better
than we all can possibly imagine -- Wonder Woman
deserves it. Eve and I are first and foremost fans
of the Princess, and it was our pleasure to at least
get the chance to bring her adventures to the silver
screen. And a special thanks goes out to WW fan
Clint Stanley, who actually used his web site
(http://www.fortunecity.com/tatooine/blish/126 ) to
start a letter-writing campaign in support of getting
a WW feature into theatres.
Oh, and any of you wanting to send off a nasty letter
to Reitman or Peters -- don't. Making movies is a
lot like making comic books -- sometimes the
producer/editor has to make decisions about the
future of the film/book that aren't popular with the
fans, but these kind of decisions do have to made
Thanks again.
James R. Harnock
Eve Marie Kazaros
***6th February 1999***
It is with some sadness that I bring to you the
following. Last night my friend Clint Stanley rang
with some very unexpected and upsetting news, which
after having spent a long afternoon in the dentist's
chair, I did not particularly want or need to
In what has to be one of the most questionable moves
since Paul Kupperberg's leaving Diana to the dubious
mercy of John Byrne, new editor Maureen McTigue has
FIRED artist Yanick Paquette, arguably the best
penciller to render Diana since the golden days of
George Perez, and later Jill Thompson. The story
appears in brief at Michael Doran's Mania.
First and foremost a business, DC keeps an eye to
their bottom line with some vigilance, often at the
expense of fans and the finished product. Which
makes this is a most confusing and frustrating move,
leaving one to wonder at McTigue's motives. Dropping
such a talented artist as Paquette who was getting a
very good feel for Diana and the book, is sure to
hurt sales, even with Eric Luke handling writing
When will DC learn? They have repeatedly shown a
lack of interest in what the fans want. Is it so
much to ask that Diana have top notch talent on her
book? Yanick's art seemed to improve with each issue
and he gave the book a distinctively different look.
This talented, witty, and intelligent man brought a
freshness to the look and feel of Wonder Woman
after years of shoddy handling. I hope McTigue will
be forthcoming with a press release, and soon.
To his great credit Yanick was a complete gentleman
about the situation when he posted his farewell on
the Jonah Weillands board, which lies below. Issue
#148 is to be his last, with Matthew Clark filling in
on #145. I wish Clark a most pleasant welcome. If
only it could have been under more pleasant
Thank you for being so open to hearing what fans had
to say, Yanick. And thank you for treating Diana
with dignity and respect. I shall follow your
carreer with great interest, and miss your presence
on the book. Abiento, mon-ami.

In Yanick's own words...
Well, That's it folks. The news it out!
An unfortunately it's true. I wanted to give you a
"official farewell" on my own, but I see that Maureen
let the news out earlier then I though.
So, I remind you that Paul Kupperberg has hired me
and Maureen gets assigned to the book after that!
Already, She pick Mathew to fill in #142 and latter
on #145. I just don't think I fit her vision on WW.
That's the editor job to find his own staff and to
give a graphic an "story like" direction. So I guess
she just wanted a New look for the book and fired
Anyway I'm here until #148.
It's then with a big sadness that I will leave WW
(and you guys). I'm just hoping to Work with Patricia
again, she's one of the very best colorist to ever
color my work. I've also been honored by Bob's ink
for I'm a great fan of is work in general even if
I've asked for a more modern inker more appropriate
to my effort since the beginning of my run.
I wish all the luck to Mathew in the task ahead, He's
a very nice guy. And also to Bob wish I guess is
staying. And to you all those who follow WW and have
supported me in my shortened run.
May the Glory of Gaïa be with you all,
Take cares gang!
Yanick Paquette
***1st February 1999***
Front and center all "Wonder Woman" fans! This is
not speculation, nor is it a rumour. The live action
big budget "Wonder Woman" film is back on the
boards in early stages of development with Ivan
Reitman producing. This information comes by way of
Coming Attractions by Corona. And Clint
Stanley of The WonderDome, formerly Paradise Island.
Current screen-writers are Eve Marie Kazaros and
James R. Harnock, though no script has been approved
as of yet. Perhaps this time all the right elements
will come together and Diana will successfully reach
a mass audience with her message. Where's Myndi
Mayer when you need her?
What little information has been available about
Kazaros & Harnock suggests they may be the best
writers to helm Diana's first big-screen adventure.
Now is the time for all Wonder Woman fans to come
together, put aside any differences we may have, and
show our support for Diana. Please write Ivan
Reitman at the address below letting him know that
you are hopeful and in complete support of his
efforts to bring a "Wonder Woman" feature film to
your local cineplex. Also,
please let him know that the
feature film you are supporting is the treatment by
Eve Marie Kazaros and James R. Harnock. You may also
want to write WB and let them know you want to see
this Wonder Woman picture made and that you fully
support Ivan Reitman's involvement in the project.
It will only take you a few minutes to write, and
just may make a world of difference! :)
Ivan Reitman
c/o CAA
9830 Wilshire Blvd.
Beverly Hills, CA 90212
Presently no actresses have been named as being in
the running for the golden tiara and magic lasso,
however, Catherine Zeta Jones of "Mask of Zorro" and
Yancy Butler are two names which have been mentioned
in online speculation. With no casting being done at
this time, I would like to suggest my personal
favourite to play Diana- Melina Kanakaredes.
Hopefully someone involved with the project will read
these words and ring Melina's
This is truly an exciting time for all Wonder Woman
fans. For too many years this project has languished
in development hell. With the recent success of
shows feauturing powerful female protagonists such as
Xena, Warrior Princess and Buffy The Vampire Slayer
now is the perfect time for this film to be made. I
am very hopeful, with the screenwriters having
promised to deliver a film that will both appeal to
critics and please the most ardent of fans. After
the excellent treatment given Superman ( 1978 ), and
Tim Burton's classic Batman films ( we won't even
discuss Joel Schumacher's attempts at character
assassination: he was to Batman what John Byrne was
to Wonder Woman, enough said ), it is high time that
one of Womankind's greatest archetypes stands to the
fore taking her rightful place in our modern
mythology, and at long last among DC's "Big
***16th January 1999***

NBC, the network that passed on the ill fated, not to
mention poorly conceived, 1998 WONDER WOMAN
series written and produced by Lois & Clark's
Deborah Joy Levine, has begun airing the new dramatic
series Providence on Friday nights at 7p cst.
Providence tells the story of LA plastic
surgeon Dr. Sydney Hansen, who following the death of
her mother, returns to Providence to get her life in
order, and look after her younger siblings and father
played by Mike Farrel.
The series is noteworthy in that it features actress
Melina Kanakaredes, who in my opinion would make a
stunning Princess Diana of The Amazons if only the
Wonder Woman project were to fall into capable
hands and win the favour of The Gods. Longtime
followers of Diana who remember the definitive run of
George Perez and stylish art of Jill Thompson, will
see the stunning resemblance between Melina and
Diana. It's as if Diana had come to life and
leapt from the pages of the comic.

Melina Kanakaredes is a superb actress, having
demonstrated a wide range of depth from her earliest
days on The Guiding Light as Eleni Spaulding,
through prominent roles on the ill-fated, yet
critically acclaimed New York News and most
recently, in 1997, LA Undercover. In her role
as Eleni, Kanakaredes spoke in a perfect Greek
accent, which she "borrowed" from her father, and ran
the gamut from comedy to high drama ( dare I say
"Greek" tragedy? ) as a young Greek immigrant who is
brought to the US for an arranged marriage, becomes a
socialite and in the end leaves that existence behind
after discovering herself.
Given her resemblance to Diana, and exemplary acting
abilities, I think Ms. Kanakaredes would be perfectly
cast as the Wonder Woman. There is something which
comes across in her performances that would, IMHO,
lend itself greatly to the realization of Diana,
something long overdue. If your not busy on Friday
nights, tune in and see the woman who the NBC folks
missed in their search for the next "Wonder

***1st January 1999***
Added three new sections: NEWS, GREAT GAEA, and THE
OLYMPIANS. The sections on The Gods are temporary in
that I will be changing the information asap to
reflect how worshippers of The Olympians view their
rich history, as opposed to the somewhat clinical
accounts available which largely tend to be
patriarchal re-tellings of the Myths. Get to
writing, Jerry!!! :)
***21st December 1998***
I just received the following from the Marianne
Williamson mailing list, and having found it to be
quite moving, would like to share it with you.
Subject: To celebrate
Dear Ms. Alexandros
The impeachment of the President -- juxtaposed with
Hannukah, Christmas and Ramadan. I don't know how
much more starkly the contest between love and fear
can express itself on earth.
Beneath the level of personality, beneath the body,
beneath worldy characteristics, beneath everything
perceivable by the physical senses or even the mortal
mind, there is a field of perfection with us all. And
in that field we are joined as one.
That field runs through Bill Clinton; in fact, in
reality he IS that field. That field runs through Tom
DeLay; in fact, in reality, he IS that field. That
field runs through Saddam Hussein; in fact, in
reality, he IS that field.
To celebrate something is to focus on it with desire
and embrace; let us celebrate, this season, the
oneness of the human family. Let us know in our
hearts that Bill Clinton, Suddam Hussein, Tom DeLay,
Bob Barr and every single one of us are, at our core,
divine and innocent children of God. Let us create
with our thoughts and prayers a field of knowing, so
strong and commited that it will become, in our
world, a grid of possibility for massive spiritual
and social renewal.
As we read the papers, let us love one another. As we
watch the news, let us love one another. As we think
of those who we are tempted to judge as the
instigators of our various problems, let us try to
love one another. These are holy days. Let us make
them holy by remembering Truth, even when the
illusions of fear and hate surround us.
Bless Bill Clinton. Bless Suddam Hussein. Bless the
Republicans. Happy holidays. Much love from all of
us, to all of you.
Visit us at:
***16th August 1998***
Kalimera!! I have added a
section calling your attention to the new Wonder
Woman action figure by DC Comics, which depicts Diana
in a sexist and degrading manner. This is
something that is very important to me, and to all
Wonder Woman fans. Give it a look. I'd also like to
thank the many of you who have taken the time to stop
by and pay me a visit. I have been terribly busy of
late and have not been able to devote the amount of
time to the site as I'd have liked to. I am
presently working on the Wonder Woman section
and hope to have it completed soon. The guest book
should be up and running within the week, so I hope
you will take the time to share your thoughts with
me. This site is going to be under construction for
awhile to come. Check back often!