Shifting focus just slightly, let me tell you a bit about myself. My name is Kassandra Alexandros, and I currently reside in beautiful Central Texas. Much as I love living here, eventually I'll pay homage to Kerouac with a long driving trip across these United States. How great it would be, getting odd-jobs and living in different parts of the country--- the world for that matter. A member of Generation X, one of the original "twentysomethings," I have crossed over the somewhat tumultuous thresh-hold into my early thirties. Finding myself at the close of the Millenium as I contemplate my life thus far, it is with few regrets.

Education is quite important to me, and as such, I am planning a return to university sometime around mid 2000. Formerly a Journalism major, I am mulling over English and perhaps Philosophy. Of course any kind of degree is going to take awhile, but that's okay. It's all in the journey for me, Knowledge an end in itself. It's pursuit one of the greatest passions I have known in this life. Of late I have immersed myself in the study of other languages, such as Spanish and Italian, and have committed to learning to speak as many tongues as possible. Though not entirely fluent yet, I have been able to offer translation in the office for our Italian and French clients. It's a beginning, Gaea be praised. :)

Normally one can find me deeply buried in a book on my lunch break. After finding a quiet spot, usually beneath a very welcoming oak, I am swept away from my surroundings into far away worlds and other lives. This is something which helps to keep me sane in a high pressure evironment. Another thing I do is meditate. Sometime when you're feeling stressed out, find your center and allow yourself to be at one with it. Then "ground" it deep within the Earth Herself. Even just a few minutes daily can have a tremendous effect. Walking daily can also be quite rejuvenating, helping to promote the production of serotonin in the brain, the end result being a much calmer, more balanced, individual. :^)

In all probability my favorite author would have to be Neil Gaiman. His "Sandman" is an old love of mine, with his work on "Good Omen's" making it one of the best books I have ever read. This winter past, lucky PBS viewers were treated to the BBC adaptaion of Gaiman's "Neverwhere," penned by the author himself. Just recently got the hardcover to "Stardust" which I can scarcely wait to devour, bit by tasteful bit. In no particular order, some of my favorite books are: Stranger in a Strange Land, Ishmael, Synonym for Love, Kingdom Come ( novelization ), On the Road, Awakening the Buddha Within, Walden, A Return to Love, A Woman's Worth, Cabal, The Thief of Always, The English Patient, and the Harry Potter series of books by J. K. Rowling. Anyone ready for a roaring good match of Quidditch? Grab your broom and meet me at the pitch!

The Gods have truly blessed me, bringing me into the world during this period of dawning globalization. If we can only keep from mucking things up (witness the whole y2k situation) it will truly be a golden age. A one nation-world. We are already so close; The coffee I drink French, most television programmes British, Winter Solstice imported from Harrods, and some of my favorite music by French and Italian artists. In my view there's just so much out there to be touched, tasted, and experienced, so many adventures to be had, so much to be passionate about. Long before meeting Charon and embarking upon my journey to the Elysian Fields, I hope to have crossed a great many borders and to have lived under as many flags. For me, anything less would be an unhappy compromise. Perhaps within my own lifetime we will see Earth united, much as in Gene Roddenberry's 'United Federation of Planets' from his sci-fi masterpiece "Star Trek".

If there were a soundtrack of my life it would be a triple disc set, as varied as the complex woman it was created for. Largely comprised of songs by The Beatles, Depeche Mode, and The Smiths, the last disc being smoky Cole Porter tunes as realized by Ella Fitzgerald. If you scanned through the remainder of my cd's you'd find Squirrel Nut Zippers, Ben Folds Five, Propaganda, Duncan Sheik, Jeff Buckley, Sarah McLachlan, Sting, Kraftwerk, and Madonna among others. My musical tastes run the gamut from Opera to Punk, with the exclusion of country and rap.

Recent faves would include KD Lang's "Smoke" and Bill Withers' "Lovely Day" which I heard at my friend Michael's party on 3rd July 1999. Grooves were courtesy the laptop of a really neat, funny, guy named Julian. In addition to having excellent taste in music, he is also a writer and has authored a bio on Syd Barrett. Thanks for being such a swell guy, Julian :) And thank you, Michael, for such an enchanting evening- and the best party I've been to in at least a year! Pics to be forthcoming...