Greek Creation Myths This version largely taken from
Hesiod's Theogony (Greece: 7th(?), 8th(?) century
In the beginning there was only Chaos, an empty void.
This huge vacancy gave birth to Gaea (the earth), to
Tartarus (the great region beneath the earth), to
Eros (the god of love and attraction, to Erebus (the
darkness of the underworld), and Night (the darkness
over the earth). Then Erebus slept with Night, who
gave birth to Ether (the heavenly light), and to Day
(the earthly light). Later Night alone produced Doom,
Fate, Death, Sleep, Dreams, Nemesis, etc. Meanwhile
Gaea alone produced Uranus (the starry sky), the
Mountains, and Pontus (the sterile sea). Uranus
became mate and equal to Gaea, because he "covered"
her on all sides. As a couple (he-sky, her-earth)
they procreated the Twelve Titans, the three
Cyclopes, and the three Hecatoncheires (with the
fifty heads and hundred arms each). Uranus hated
these latter children, and they hated him. In anger
he pushed them back into Gaea's womb and kept them
there. This was very painful for Gaea and she plotted
revenge against Uranus. She fashioned a flint sickle
and called upon her children to avenge her. All but
Cronus, the youngest Titan, refused to help her for
fear of Uranus's wrath. That night, when Uranus came
to lie with Gaea, Cronus, hiding in ambush, was able
to grab his father's genitals and sever them with the
flint sickle. As the blood fell to the earth the
Furies, the Ash-Tree Nymphs, and the Giants were
created. When Cronus heaved the testicles into the
sea Aphrodite arose from the foam. We hear no more of
Uranus in the myths. Cronus then became leader of the
Titans, and confined the Cyclopes and the
Hecatoncheires to Tartarus. He married his sister
Rhea and they produced many offspring. But Cronus had
been warned by both Uranus and Gaea that a child of
his would replace him as leader of the Titans, so
when Rhea gave birth to a child and presented it to
Cronus he would swallow the baby. This is what
happened to Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, and
Poseidon shortly after each was born. Rhea finally
wised up, and when Zeus was born she presented Cronus
a stone wrapped in the swaddling clothes, which he
swallowed thinking it was the newest child. Zeus grew
to manhood on the island of Crete, attended to by
nymphs. He sought and got advice from Metis, another
Titaness, who prepared an emetic potion for him.
Soon, disguised as a cupbearer, he was able to get
Cronus to drink the potion. Cronus immediately
vomited up all the children he had swallowed, all
safe and sound, and fully grown. They overwhelmed
Cronus and bound him as a prisoner in Tartarus. And
so the Olympians began their rule. (It took ten more
years of strife and wars between Titans, Olympians,
Cyclopes, Hecatoncheires, assorted monsters and
dragons (like Typhoeus) before the rule of the
Olympians was solidified.)