NOTE: This campaign has been successfully won with DC about to release a much more respectful, less exploitative, version of the "Wonder Woman" figure. I am leaving this page up as evidence of the usual treatment Diana and her followers get from DC.

Dearest friends, recently DC Comics announced a line of direct market action figures that would include the much awaited Wonder Woman. After years of mishandling of the license, DC Comics chose to do it themselves. Above is a picture of the prototype, more fully depicted at Raving Toy Maniac. Ordinarily this would have been very happy news for the legions of Wonder Woman fans who have waited patiently, beyond all reason, for a figure of Diana to be made. Sadly, the prototype reflects the mentality of DC Comics, within the last several years, which chose to sexually objectify Wonder Woman, reducing her into an object of male gratification in a thinly veiled attempt at making Diana appealing to a wider male audience. This is very, very wrong.

Diana since her inception in 1941 has been a symbol of Woman's empowerment, a champion of victims everywhere, and a role model looked up to by both girls and boys. She is one of the few examples we have of equality between the sexes. With this insulting move, DC has again shown what it thinks of the women and girls who have followed Diana for so many years. They are saying that we are NOT as important as the backward males this figure is so obviously targeted at. Many of my male friends who have seen the picture of the prototype found it not only degrading to Diana, but insulting of them as well. We may not always agree with the interpretations of Diana offered in her monthly book, as each of us sees a different facet of the Wonder Woman, but on this I think we can most easily agree.

Luckilly for us, there is still time to make our feelings known to DC and demand that they depict Diana in a manner that is respectful not only to her, but all her fans as well. The figure is not due out until April 1999, and will probably go through some revisions before then. If DC does not alter the oversized breasts and dental floss/thong briefs of the figure I intend to join other members of The Amazon Senate in a full scale boycott of the figure and possibly the monthly title as well. We have the power to put an end to this travesty here and now.

I appeal to you in the name of Athena, and ask that you join in this campaign letting DC Comics know that you will no longer tolerate this insulting treatment of Wonder Woman. Now is the time to stand for what we believe in and fight. I have supported Diana for much of my life, and this move is an extension of that. I will not allow DC to treat Diana in such a demeaning manner any longer. The fans who have loved and supported Diana all these years deserve so much more than this slap in the face. Diana deserves better than this.

A call to arms! Email DC Comics at being sure to put "WONDER WOMAN" in your header so that e-mail is routed properly.

And for those of you who may wish to write letters, which some may take more seriously than e-mails, here is their address:
DC Comics
Attn: Wonder Woman, Editor
1700 Broadway
New York, NY 10019

May The Glory of Gaea Be With You.

"You will see whether Wonder Woman carries her true Amazon spirit into the present. If not, let her publishers know. She belongs to you." - Gloria Steinem, 1995

I should like to thank Amazon Senate member Clint Stanley of Paradise Island for having brought this to my attention. If you haven't yet been to his site, I suggest you give it a look. It is well written, updated often with the latest news of Wonder Woman offerings, and one of the best sites about Diana on the web today. He's also a really great guy, and dear friend. Thanks Clint! :^D