! Thanks for stopping by at my homepage.This is the place I call home to all the stuff that goes on in my mind. I have put many hours in making this site the best it can possible be. Don't hesitate to notify me if there is any mistakes, just click on the e-m@il button and tell me the problems. In my homepage, you can find something about myself, I also added in some cool websites that everyone should like. In addition, I put some midi files that are really nice, so I hope you'll like them all!
By the way, don't forget to sign the guestbook every time you come, so that I know you are here!
I hope you'll enjoy your stay and have fun! Visit my page often because I might change something. (Yes, things do change around here sometimes :) ).
Hey, now I have my own chat room! Join #Eric's_Chat now!
a.k.a.MoshiBookmark my page for easier links! :)
Enter my new and improved Message Board! In this message board, I will give info on all the updates that I have made and for you people out there, can also discuss, talk or simply give opinions about anything you want, but clean chat only!